[][src]Function molt_shell::script

pub fn script(interp: &mut Interp, args: &[String])

Executes a script from a set of command line arguments.

args[0] is presumed to be the name of a Molt script file, with any subsequent arguments being arguments to pass to the script. The script will be be executed in the context of the given interpreter.

Molt Variables

The calling information will be passed to the interpreter in the form of Molt variables:

  • The Molt variable arg0 will be set to the arg0 value.
  • The Molt variable argv will be set to a Molt list containing the remainder of the argv array.

See molt::interp for details on how to configure and add commands to a Molt interpreter.


use molt::Interp;
use std::env;

// FIRST, get the command line arguments.
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();

// NEXT, create and initialize the interpreter.
let mut interp = Interp::new();

// NOTE: commands can be added to the interpreter here.

// NEXT, evaluate the file, if any.
if args.len() > 1 {
    molt_shell::script(&mut interp, &args[1..]);
} else {
    eprintln!("Usage: myshell *filename.tcl");