Expand description

This crate exists to support the primary functions of the MMI parser command line tool.

The primary reference for the field information is found here and relies on MetaMap 2016 or newer.

The main functionality is encompassed in MmiOutput, AaOutput, and parse_record.

For questions on implementations of the parsing algorithms for specific sections, please consult the source which contains well-labeled and fairly documented functions to parse each type.


Main “Secondary” struct of program Acronyms and Abbreviations detected by MetaMap

Abbreviation and Acronym position information

Main struct for entire library. Represents an entire fielded MMI record as one type.

Structure for Position representing start index, length, and Position Type.

Struct to represent Trigger information.

ValueError occurs when an invalid value was provided


Which type of abbreviation (AA) record exists, either AA or UA (user-defined)

Enumeration for Location options.

Positional Information type options


Simple utility function to check whether

Labels AA records with the corresponding field names

A better alternative to MmiOutput::assemble or AaOutput::assemble Takes a string reference, splits it on vertical bar (pipe) characters, labels each item with its corresponding field name, passes labeled data into MmiOutput::assemble or AaOutput::assemble.