Expand description

A low-level API for a memory-mapped cache of a read-only key-value store.


The Cache index is an fst::Map, which maps from arbitrary byte sequences to u64. We use the u64 as byte offsets into a memory-mapped file that stores arbitrary values. This read-only cache is very compact and simple to construct, requiring only constant memory for serializing arbitrarily large maps.

By using Finite State Transducers from the fst crate, we get a highly compressed mapping that performs key –> offset lookups in O(key length) time.


use mmap_cache::{FileBuilder, MmapCache};

const INDEX_PATH: &str = "/tmp/mmap_cache_index";
const VALUES_PATH: &str = "/tmp/mmap_cache_values";

// Serialize to files. As required by the finite state transducer (FST) builder,
// keys must be provided in sorted (lexicographical) order.
let mut builder = FileBuilder::create_files(INDEX_PATH, VALUES_PATH)?;
builder.insert(b"abc", b"def")?;
builder.insert(b"foo", b"bar")?;

// Map the files into memory.
let cache = unsafe { MmapCache::map_paths(INDEX_PATH, VALUES_PATH) }?;
let value = unsafe { cache.get_transmuted_value(b"foo") };
assert_eq!(value, Some(b"bar"));

IO Concurrency

When using memmap2 on a large file, it’s likely that accessing values from the cache will cause the thread to block in the operating system scheduler while the page cache is filled from the file system. To achieve concurrency IO up to some maximum concurrency N, you could dispatch your IOs in a thread pool of N threads.


pub use fst;
pub use memmap2;


Serializes a stream of ([u8], [u8]) key-value pairs.

A cache, mapping [u8] keys to [u8] values.


Type Definitions