[][src]Function mkpasswd::generate_with_rng

pub fn generate_with_rng<R>(
    alphabet: &[u8],
    length: usize,
    rng: &mut R
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> where
    R: RngCore + CryptoRng

Generates a length long password made of bytes from alphabet using random data provided by rng.

If the input alphabet only contains valid UTF-8 bytes, this function is guaranteed to only return valid UTF-8 as well.


This example is using a custom alphabet as well.

use mkpasswd::generate_with_rng;
use rand_os::OsRng;

let alphabet = b"qwerty+asdfgh-zxcvbn";
let mut rng = OsRng::new().unwrap();
let password = generate_with_rng(alphabet, 16, &mut rng).unwrap();

assert_eq!(password.len(), 16);

It is recommended to sanitize the alphabet before, removing duplicate values:

let mut my_alphabet = b"Hello world!".to_vec();


// 'l' and 'o' is only once in the buffer now
assert_eq!(my_alphabet, b" !Hdelorw");


This functions returns an error if rng fails to generate random data.

If alphabet.len() is 0, this functions panics.