Crate mips_mcu_alloc

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A heap allocator for microcontollers with MIPS core such as PIC32 controllers

The heap is placed at a location determined by the linker and automatically extended to fullfil allocation requests. Automatic heap extension fails if the heap would collide with the stack.



// Plug in the allocator crate
extern crate alloc;

use alloc::Vec;
use mips_mcu_alloc::MipsMcuHeap;

static ALLOCATOR: MipsMcuHeap = MipsMcuHeap::empty();

fn main() -> ! {

    let mut xs = Vec::new();

    loop { /* .. */ }

fn alloc_error(layout: core::alloc::Layout) -> ! {
    panic!("Cannot allocate heap memory: {:?}", layout);

