[][src]Module minitt::check::expr

Expression checker: infer, instance-of check, normal-form comparison, subtyping, etc.

Depends on modules syntax, read_back and tcm.



$$ \frac{\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l M\Leftarrow ⟦A_i⟧v} {\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l c_i \ M \Leftarrow \textsf{Sum} \lang c_1\ A_1 | \dots | c_n\ A_n,v \rang} $$ $$ \frac{}{\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l 0 \Leftarrow \textbf{1}} \quad \frac{}{\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l \textbf{1} \Leftarrow \textsf{U}} $$ $$ \frac{\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l M_1\Leftarrow \Pi(⟦A_1⟧v)(g \circ c_1) \dots \rho,\Gamma\vdash_l M_n\Leftarrow \Pi(⟦A_n⟧v)(g \circ c_n)} {\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l \textsf{fun}(c_1\rightarrow M_1 | \dots | c_n \rightarrow M_n) \Leftarrow \Pi(\textsf{Sum}\lang c_1:A_1 | \dots | c_n:A_n,v \rang)g} $$ $$ \frac{\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l D\Rightarrow \Gamma_1 \quad (\rho,\Gamma),\Gamma_1\vdash_l M\Leftarrow t} {\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l D; M\Leftarrow t} $$ $$ \frac{\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l M\Rightarrow t' \quad \textsf{R}_l\ t =\textsf{R}_l\ t'} {\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l M\Leftarrow t} (\textnormal{If other rules are not applicable}) $$ $$ \dots (\textnormal{There are too many, please checkout the original paper for more}) $$ check in Mini-TT.
However, telescope and gamma are preserved for REPL use.


$$ \frac{\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l M \Rightarrow t' \quad \textsf{R}_l\ t = \textsf{R}_l\ t'} {\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l M\Leftarrow t} $$ Fallback rule of instance check.
First infer the expression type, then do subtyping comparison.


$$ \frac{\Gamma(x)\rightarrow t} {\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l x\Rightarrow t} \quad \frac{\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l M \Rightarrow \Pi\ t\ g \quad \rho,\Gamma\vdash_l N\Leftarrow t} {\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l M\ N \Rightarrow \textsf{inst}\ g(⟦N⟧\rho)} $$ $$ \frac{}{\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l 0 \Rightarrow \textbf{1}} \quad \frac{}{\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l \textbf{1} \Rightarrow \textsf{U}} $$ $$ \frac{\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l M\Rightarrow \Sigma\ t\ g} {\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l M.1\Rightarrow t} \quad \frac{\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l M\Rightarrow \Sigma\ t\ g} {\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l M.2 \Rightarrow \textsf{inst}\ g((⟦M⟧\rho).1)} $$ checkI in Mini-TT.
Type inference rule. More inferences are added here (maybe it's useful?).


$$ \frac{i < j}{\Gamma\vdash \textsf{U}_i <: \textsf{U}_j} $$ Level comparison.


To reuse code that checks if a merge expression is well-typed between check_type and check


$$ \frac{\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l A_1\Leftarrow \textsf{U} \dots \rho,\Gamma\vdash_l A_n\Leftarrow \textsf{U}} {\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l \textsf{Sum}(c_1\ A_1|\dots|c_n\ A_n)\Leftarrow \textsf{U}} $$ To reuse code that checks if a sum type is well-typed between check_type and check


$$ \frac{\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l A \quad \Gamma\vdash p:⟦A⟧\rho=[\textsf{x}_l]\Rightarrow\Gamma_1 \quad (\rho,p=[\textsf{x}_l]), \Gamma_1\vdash_{l+1}B} {\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l (\Pi /\Sigma) \ p:A.B} $$ To reuse code that checks if a sigma or a pi type is well-typed between check_type and check


$$ \frac{}{\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l \textsf{U}} $$ $$ \frac{\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l A \quad \Gamma\vdash p:⟦A⟧\rho=[\textsf{x}_l]\Rightarrow\Gamma_1 \quad (\rho,p=[\textsf{x}_l]), \Gamma_1\vdash_{l+1}B} {\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l \Pi\ p:A.B} $$ $$ \frac{\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l A \quad \Gamma\vdash p:⟦A⟧\rho=[\textsf{x}_l]\Rightarrow\Gamma_1 \quad (\rho,p=[\textsf{x}_l]), \Gamma_1\vdash_{l+1}B} {\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l \Sigma\ p:A.B} $$ $$ \frac{\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l A\Leftarrow\textsf{U}} {\rho,\Gamma\vdash_l A} \textnormal{(if other rules are not applicable)} $$ checkT in Mini-TT.
Check if an expression is a well-typed type expression.