Attribute Macro minitrace::trace

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An attribute-macro to help get rid of boilerplate.

trace always require an local parent in the context. For synchronous functions, make sure that the caller is within the scope of Span::set_local_parent(); and for asynchronous fuctions, make sure that the caller is within a future instrumented by in_span().


use minitrace::prelude::*;

fn foo() {
    // some work

async fn bar() {
    // some work

#[trace("qux", enter_on_poll = true)]
async fn qux() {
    // some work

The examples above will be translated into:

fn foo() {
    let __guard = LocalSpan::enter_with_local_parent("foo");
    // some work

fn bar() -> impl core::future::Future<Output = ()> {
    async {
        // some work

fn qux() -> impl core::future::Future<Output = ()> {
    async {
        // some work