Trait minion::Cancellable [] [src]

pub trait Cancellable {
    type Error;
    fn for_each(&mut self) -> Result<LoopState, Self::Error>;

    fn run(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { ... }
fn spawn(self) -> Handle<Self::Error>
        Self: Sized + Send + 'static,
        Self::Error: Send + 'static
, { ... } }

A service that implements Cancellable can be told to stop accepting new work at any time, and will return at the first following opportunity.

More concretely, it emulates a loop like the following:

This example is not tested
loop {
    // fetch some work
    // do some work that might error

But where the loop can be "cancelled". That is, after the next piece of work is processed, no more work is handled, and the loop breaks.

This trait provides two main methods, [Cancellable::run] and [Cancellable::spawn]. The former runs the loop on the current thread (and thus blocks it). The latter spawns a new thread, and executes the loop on that thread. Only loops started using spawn can be cancelled.

For example, the implementation below shows how a classic server accept loop could be turned into a cancellable accept loop. If [Handle::cancel] is called, then at most one more connection will be accepted before the loop returns and [Handle::wait] would too.

struct Service(net::TcpListener);
impl Cancellable for Service {
    type Error = io::Error;
    fn for_each(&mut self) -> Result<minion::LoopState, Self::Error> {
        let mut stream = self.0.accept()?.0;
        write!(stream, "hello!\n")?;

impl Service {
    fn new() -> io::Result<Self> {

fn main() {

Associated Types

Error type for [Cancellable::for_each].

Required Methods

This method is called once for every iteration of the loop.

If it errors, the outer service loop will also return with that same error. If it returns a LoopState, the service loop will continue or break accordingly. If it panics, the panic will be propagated to the waiting thread.

Provided Methods

Continuously execute [Cancellable::for_each] until it returns an error or a [LoopState::Break].

Continuously execute [Cancellable::for_each] in a new thread, and return a [Handle] to that loop so that it can be cancelled or waited for.
