Crate minidumper

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IPC implementation for creating a minidump for a crashed process

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This crate supplies a client and server IPC implementation for communicating between a process that may crash (client) and a monitor (server) process.

The client can communicate application-specific state via Client::send_message, and, if a crash occurs, can use Client::request_dump to request a minidump be created. The Server uses a user implemented ServerHandler to handle the messages sent by the client, and provides a way to create the minidump file where a requested crash can be written to, as well as a callback when a minidump is finished writing (both on failure and success) to perform whatever additional steps make sense for the application, such as transmission of the minidump to an external HTTP service for processing or the like.


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Client side of the connection, which runs in the process that may (or has) crashed to communicate with an external monitor process.
The result of a successful minidump generation.
Server side of the connection, which runs in the monitor process that is meant to monitor the process where the super::Client resides


Error that can occur when creating a crate::Client or crate::Server, or generating minidumps
Actions for the Server message loop to take after a ServerHandler method is invoked


Allows user code to hook into the server to avoid hardcoding too many details