pub fn display<'b>(cbor: &'b [u8]) -> impl Display + 'b
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Display the given CBOR bytes in diagnostic notation.

Requires features "alloc" and "half".

Quick syntax summary:

  • Maps are enclosed in curly braces: { and }.
  • Arrays are enclosed in brackets: [ and ].
  • Indefinite maps start with {_ instead of {.
  • Indefinite arrays start with [_ instead of [.
  • Bytes are hex encoded and enclosed in h' and '.
  • Strings are enclosed in double quotes.
  • Numbers and booleans are displayed as in Rust but floats are always shown in scientific notation (this differs slightly from the RFC format).
  • Indefinite bytes are enclosed in (_ and ) except for the empty sequence which is shown as ''_.
  • Indefinite strings are enclosed in (_ and ) except for the empty sequence which is shown as ""_.
  • Tagged values are enclosed in t( and ) where t is the numeric tag value.
  • Simple values are shown as simple(n) where n is the numeric simple value.
  • Undefined and null are shown as undefined and null.

No error is produced should decoding fail, the error message becomes part of the display.