macro_rules! demo_struct {
    ($($t:tt)*) => { ... };
Expand description

This is the macro generated by the example.

Injects the exported tokens (see section below) into the given macro call. The exported tokens are injected in a {} block as the first thing. For example with some_macro!(a + b) the actual macro call would look like some_macro!({ ... <exported tokens> ... } a + b).

Expand to show exported tokens

Note: The tokens here are formatted via stringify!() so may not be very readable.

#[doc = r" Demo struct definition."] pub struct Demo
    #[doc = r" The X value."] pub x: i32, #[doc = r" The Y value."] pub y:


use mini_macro_magic::example::demo_struct;

// Stringify all the exported tokens. The exported tokens are passed as a `{}`
// block to `stringify!()` at the beginning.
let as_string = demo_struct!(stringify!(some extra tokens));

// Check that it matches what we expect.
assert_eq!(as_string, r#####"{
    #[doc = r" Demo struct definition."] pub struct Demo
        #[doc = r" The X value."] pub x: i32, #[doc = r" The Y value."] pub y:
} some extra tokens"#####);