Module mini_functions::logs

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Enables application-level logging with customizable features. Application logging functionality

Provides access to logging functions and types.


  • Re-exported main rlg module from rlg for application logging. The macros module contains functions for generating macros.
  • Re-exported rlg_macros module from rlg. The macros module contains functions for generating macros.


  • Re-exported main rlg module from rlg for application logging. Conditional debug logging Logs if debug_enabled feature flag set
  • Re-exported main rlg module from rlg for application logging. Macro for error log with default format
  • Re-exported main rlg module from rlg for application logging. Macro for info log with default session id and format Usage: let log = macro_info_log!(time, component, description);
  • Re-exported main rlg module from rlg for application logging. Macro to create a new log easily Usage: let log = macro_log!(session_id, time, level, component, description, format);
  • Re-exported main rlg module from rlg for application logging. Async log message to file Usage: let result = macro_log_to_file!(log);
  • Re-exported main rlg module from rlg for application logging. Print log to stdout Usage: macro_print_log!(log);
  • Re-exported main rlg module from rlg for application logging. Set log format if not already defined Usage: macro_set_log_format_clf!(log);
  • Re-exported main rlg module from rlg for application logging. Macro for warn log


  • Re-exported main rlg module from rlg for application logging. The Log struct provides an easy way to log a message to the console. It contains a set of defined fields to create a simple, log message with a readable output format.


  • Re-exported main rlg module from rlg for application logging. An enumeration of the different log formats that can be used.
  • Re-exported main rlg module from rlg for application logging. Implements Log to log a message to the console with a simple, readable output format.