Crate mikrotik_rs

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mikrotik-rs is an asynchronous Rust library for interfacing with MikroTik routers. It allows for sending commands and receiving responses in parallel through channels.


  • Asynchronous command execution
  • Parallel command handling with responses through channels
  • Non-blocking communication with the router


Basic usage:

use mikrotik_rs::device::MikrotikDevice;
use tokio;

async fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
    // Router's address with port
    let addr = "";

    // Router's username and password
    let username = "admin";
    let password = "password";

    let mut client = MikrotikDevice::connect(addr, username, Some(password)).await?;

    let command = CommandBuilder::new().command("/interface/print").build(); // Example command
    let response_channel = client.send_command(command).await?;
    while let Some(response) = response_channel.recv().await {
       println!("{:?}", response);


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

mikrotik-rs = "0.1"
tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] }


This library requires the tokio runtime.


  • Command module for building and sending commands to MikroTik routers.
