Crate miette[][src]

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you run miette? You run her code like the software? Oh. Oh! Error code for coder! Error code for One Thousand Lines!


miette is a diagnostic definition library for Rust. It includes a series of protocols that allow you to hook into its error reporting facilities, and even write your own error reports! It lets you define error types that can print out like this (or in any format you like!):

Error: Error[oops::my::bad]: oops it broke!

[] This is the part that broke:

    1  | source
    2  |   text
    ⫶  |   ^^^^ this bit here
    3  |     here

﹦try doing it better next time?

The Diagnostic trait in miette is an extension of std::error::Error that adds various facilities like Severity, error codes that could be looked up by users, and snippet display with support for multiline reports, arbitrary Sources, and pretty printing.

While the miette crate bundles some baseline implementations for Source and DiagnosticReporter, it’s intended to define a protocol that other crates can build on top of to provide rich error reporting, and encourage an ecosystem that leans on this extra metadata to provide it for others in a way that’s compatible with std::error::Error


Using cargo-edit:

$ cargo add miette

Example and Guide

You can derive a Diagnostic from any `std::error::Error` type.

`thiserror` is a great way to define them so, and plays extremely nicely with `miette`!
use std::sync::Arc;
use miette::Diagnostic;
use thiserror::Error;

#[derive(Error, Diagnostic)]
#[error("oops it broke!")]
    help("try doing it better next time?"),
struct MyBad {
    src: Arc<String>,
    filename: String,
    // Snippets and highlights can be included in the diagnostic!
    #[snippet(src, filename, "This is the part that broke")]
    snip: SourceSpan,
    #[highlight(snip, "this bit here")]
    bad_bit: SourceSpan,

Then, we implement `std::fmt::Debug` using the included `MietteReporter`,
which is able to pretty print diagnostics reasonably well.

You can use any reporter you want here, or no reporter at all,
but `Debug` is required by `std::error::Error`, so you need to at
least derive it.

Make sure you pull in the `miette::DiagnosticReporter` trait!.
use std::fmt;

use miette::{DiagnosticReporter, MietteReporter};

impl fmt::Debug for MyBad {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        MietteReporter.debug(self, f)

Now we can use `miette`~
use miette::{MietteError, SourceSpan};

fn pretend_this_is_main() -> Result<(), MyBad> {
    // You can use plain strings as a `Source`, bu the protocol is fully extensible!
    let src = "source\n  text\n    here".to_string();
    let len = src.len();

    Err(MyBad {
        src: Arc::new(src),
        filename: "".into(),
        snip: (0, len).into(),
        bad_bit: (9, 3).into(),

And this is the output you’ll get if you run this program:

Error: Error[oops::my::bad]: oops it broke!

[] This is the part that broke:

    1  | source
    2  |   text
    ⫶  |   ^^^^ this bit here
    3  |     here

﹦try doing it better next time?


miette is released to the Rust community under the MIT license.

It also includes some code taken from eyre, also under the MIT license.


Convenience Diagnostic that can be used as an “anonymous” wrapper for Errors. This is intended to be paired with IntoDiagnostic.

A snippet from a Source to be displayed with a message and possibly some highlights.

Literally what it says on the tin.

Reference implementation of the DiagnosticReporter trait. This is generally good enough for simple use-cases, but you might want to implement your own if you want custom reporting for your tool or app.

Basic implementation of the SpanContents trait, for convenience.

Newtype that represents the ByteOffset from the beginning of a Source

Span within a Source with an associated message.


Error enum for miette. Used by certain operations in the protocol.

Diagnostic severity. Intended to be used by DiagnosticReporter to change the way different Diagnostics are displayed.


Adds rich metadata to your Error that can be used by DiagnosticReporter to print really nice and human-friendly error messages.

Protocol for Diagnostic handlers, which are responsible for actually printing out Diagnostics.

Represents a readable source of some sort.

Contents of a Source covered by SourceSpan.

Type Definitions

“Raw” type for the byte offset from the beginning of a Source.

Utility Result type for functions that return boxed Diagnostics.

Derive Macros