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Midtransclient for Rust

Unofficial Rust API client/library for Midtrans Payment API


Midtrans have 2 different products (Snap & Core API) of payment that you can use:

  • Snap - Customizable payment popup will appear on your web/app (no redirection). doc ref
  • Snap Redirect - Customer need to be redirected to payment url hosted by midtrans. doc ref
  • Core API (VT-Direct) - Basic backend implementation, you can customize the frontend embedded on your web/app as you like (no redirection). doc ref

Choose one that you think best for your unique needs.


Core API Simple Charge

use std::env;
use midtransclient::{MidtransError, CoreApi};
use serde_json::json;

fn main() -> Result<(), MidtransError> {
    // Get MIDTRANS_SERVER_KEY and MIDTRANS_CLIENT_KEY from environment variables
    // or you just can type it directly
    // You can find it in Merchant Portal -> Settings -> Access keys
    let server_key = env::var("MIDTRANS_SERVER_KEY").expect("SERVER_KEY NOT FOUND");
    let client_key = env::var("MIDTRANS_CLIENT_KEY").expect("CLIENT_KEY NOT FOUND");

    // Create Core API instance
    let core = CoreApi::new(false, server_key)

    // Prepare CORE API parameter
    // ( refer to: )
    // charge bank_transfer parameter example
    let parameters = json!({
        "payment_type": "bank_transfer",
        "transaction_details": {
            "gross_amount": 24145,
            "order_id": "test-transaction-321"
        "bank_transfer": {
            "bank": "bni"

    // charge transaction
    let charge_response = core.charge(&parameters)?;
    println!("Charge Response: {:#?}", charge_response);

    // Charge Response: {
    //     "transaction_status": String("pending"),
    //     "va_numbers": Array [Object {
    //         "bank": String("bca"),
    //         "va_number": String("28276362079")
    //     }],
    //     "transaction_time": String("2022-11-18 21:01:24"),
    //     "status_message": String("Success, Bank Transfer transaction is created"),
    //     "fraud_status": String("accept"),
    //     "merchant_id": String("G738628276"),
    //     "transaction_id": String("73ebe57c-ffb0-42a6-93fa-c5022a7f316e"),
    //     "status_code": String("201"),
    //     "order_id": String("test-transaction-321"),
    //     "currency": String("IDR"),
    //     "payment_type": String("bank_transfer"),
    //     "gross_amount": String("24145.00")
    // }


Snap Simple

use std::env;
use midtransclient::{MidtransError, Snap};
use serde_json::json;

fn main() -> Result<(), MidtransError> {
    // Get MIDTRANS_SERVER_KEY and MIDTRANS_CLIENT_KEY from environment variables
    // or you just can type it directly
    // You can find it in Merchant Portal -> Settings -> Access keys
    let server_key = env::var("MIDTRANS_SERVER_KEY").expect("SERVER_KEY NOT FOUND");
    let client_key = env::var("MIDTRANS_CLIENT_KEY").expect("CLIENT_KEY NOT FOUND");

    // Create Core API instance
    let snap = Snap::new(false, server_key)

    // Prepare SNAP API parameter ( refer to: )
    // this is full parameter including optionals parameter.
    let parameters = json!({
        "transaction_details": {
            "order_id": "test-transaction-123",
            "gross_amount": 200000
        }, "credit_card":{
            "secure" : true

    let transaction = snap.create_transaction(&parameters)?;
    println!("Create Transaction Response: {:#?}", transaction);

    // Create Transaction Response: {
    //     "redirect_url": String(""),
    //     "token": String("1115ee78-9e17-4089-9992-a6f39e355fa7"),
    //     "status_code": String("201"),
    // }



Api Config
Midtransclient Custom Error
Http Client


Config Object that used to store is_production, server_key, client_key. And also API base urls.
CoreApi struct used to do request to Midtrans Core API
Snap struct used to do request to Midtrans Snap API


Midtransclient Custom Errors
