Crate midi_msg

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This is a library for serializing and deserializing MIDI (byte) streams.

§Creating MIDI byte sequences

MidiMsg is the starting point for all MIDI messages. All MidiMsgs can be serialized into a valid MIDI sequence. You can create a MidiMsg and turn it into a Vec<u8> like so:

use midi_msg::*;

MidiMsg::ChannelVoice {
    channel: Channel::Ch1,
    msg: ChannelVoiceMsg::NoteOn {
        note: 60,
        velocity: 127

§Deserializing MIDI byte sequences

Likewise, byte sequences can be deserialized into MidiMsgs with MidiMsg::from_midi:

use midi_msg::*;

// These are two MIDI 'note on' messages:
let midi_bytes: Vec<u8> = vec![
   0x93, 0x66, 0x70, // First msg
   0x93, 0x55, 0x60, // Second msg

let (msg, len) = MidiMsg::from_midi(&midi_bytes).expect("Not an error");

assert_eq!(len, 3);
assert_eq!(msg, MidiMsg::ChannelVoice {
    channel: Channel::Ch4,
    msg: ChannelVoiceMsg::NoteOn {
        note: 0x66,
        velocity: 0x70

Where then len returned is the number of bytes used when a MidiMsg has been deserialized.

Similarly, MidiMsg::from_midi_with_context can be used to track the state associated with a MIDI stream, which is necessary to deserialize certain messages:

use midi_msg::*;

let mut ctx = ReceiverContext::new();

// This is a three-byte MIDI 'note on' message followed by a two-byte "running status"
// 'note on' message, which inherits its first ("status") byte from the last `ChannelModeMsg`:
let midi_bytes: Vec<u8> = vec![
   0x93, 0x66, 0x70, // First msg
   0x55, 0x60, // Running status msg

let (_msg1, len1) =
    MidiMsg::from_midi_with_context(&midi_bytes, &mut ctx).expect("Not an error");
let (msg2, len2) =
    MidiMsg::from_midi_with_context(&midi_bytes[len1..], &mut ctx).expect("Not an error");

assert_eq!(len2, 2);
assert_eq!(msg2, MidiMsg::ChannelVoice {
    channel: Channel::Ch4,
    msg: ChannelVoiceMsg::NoteOn {
        note: 0x55,
        velocity: 0x60

The previous message would not have been deserializable without the context:

use midi_msg::*;

let midi_bytes: Vec<u8> = vec![
   0x93, 0x66, 0x70, // First msg
   0x55, 0x60, // Running status msg

let (_msg1, len1) = MidiMsg::from_midi(&midi_bytes).expect("Not an error");

§Midi files

We can work with Standard Midi Files (SMF) in much the same way. The MidiFile struct represents this data type and it can be serialized into a Vec<u8> and deserialized from a Vec<u8>. It holds a header and a list of tracks. Regular Track::Midi tracks contains a list of MidiMsg events along with the “delta time” that separates subsequent ones. The definition of the delta time is given by the division field in the Header.

Convenience functions are provided for constructing a MidiFile based on a series of events and absolute beat or frame timings. For example, the following creates a MidiFile with a single track containing a single note.

use midi_msg::*;
let mut file = MidiFile::default();
// Add a track, updating the header with the number of tracks:
// Add a note on message at beat 0:
file.extend_track(0, MidiMsg::ChannelVoice {
    channel: Channel::Ch1,
    msg: ChannelVoiceMsg::NoteOn {
        note: 60,
        velocity: 127
}, 0.0);
// Add a note off message at beat 1:
file.extend_track(0, MidiMsg::ChannelVoice {
    channel: Channel::Ch1,
    msg: ChannelVoiceMsg::NoteOff {
        note: 60,
        velocity: 0
}, 1.0);
// Add an end of track message at beat 4, which is the only required (by the spec) message in a track:
file.extend_track(0, MidiMsg::Meta { msg: Meta::EndOfTrack }, 4.0);

// Now we can serialize the track to a Vec<u8>:
let midi_bytes = file.to_midi();
// And we can deserialize it back to a MidiFile:
let file2 = MidiFile::from_midi(&midi_bytes).unwrap();
assert_eq!(file, file2);


See the readme for a list of the MIDI Manufacturer Association documents that are referenced throughout these docs.

Deserialization of most of UniversalRealTimeMsg and UniversalNonRealTimeMsg has not yet been implemented.




  • Given a frequency in Hertz, returns (midi_note_number, additional cents from semitone)
  • Given a frequency in Hertz, returns a floating point midi note number with 1.0 = 100 cents
  • Given a midi note number and additional cents, return the frequency
  • Given a floating point midi note number, return the frequency in Hertz
  • Find the index of the next message in a MIDI byte sequence. This is useful for being able to skip over messages, which may be necessary when a message is unable to be deserialized.