Crate metatype[][src]

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Helper methods to determine whether a type is TraitObject, Slice or Concrete, and work with them respectively.


assert_eq!(usize::METATYPE, MetaType::Concrete);
assert_eq!(any::Any::METATYPE, MetaType::TraitObject);
assert_eq!(<[u8]>::METATYPE, MetaType::Slice);

let a: Box<usize> = Box::new(123);
assert_eq!(Type::meta_type(&*a), MetaType::Concrete);
let a: Box<dyn any::Any> = a;
assert_eq!(Type::meta_type(&*a), MetaType::TraitObject);

let a = [123,456];
assert_eq!(Type::meta_type(&a), MetaType::Concrete);
let a: &[i32] = &a;
assert_eq!(Type::meta_type(a), MetaType::Slice);

let a: Box<dyn any::Any> = Box::new(123);
let meta: TraitObject = type_coerce(Type::meta(&*a));
println!("vtable: {:?}", meta.vtable);


This currently requires Rust nightly for the raw, specialization and arbitrary_self_types features.


Meta data for a concrete, sized type

Meta data for a slice

Meta data for a trait object


Meta type of a type


Implemented on all types, it provides helper methods to determine whether a type is TraitObject, Slice or Concrete, and work with them respectively.


Convert from one type parameter to another, where they are the same type. Returns None if the types differ.

Convert from one type parameter to another, where they are the same type. Panics with an explanatory message if the types differ.

Gets an identifier which is globally unique to the specified type. This function will return the same value for a type regardless of whichever crate it is invoked in.