Module metaplex_auction::processor[][src]


pub use cancel_bid::*;
pub use claim_bid::*;
pub use create_auction::*;
pub use create_auction_v2::*;
pub use end_auction::*;
pub use place_bid::*;
pub use set_authority::*;
pub use start_auction::*;


Cancels an existing bid. This only works in two cases:

Claim bid winnings into a target SPL account, only the authorised key can do this, though the target can be any SPL account.

Places a bid on a running auction, the logic here implements a standard English auction mechanism, once the auction starts, new bids can be made until 10 minutes has passed with no new bid. At this point the auction ends.

Resets authority on an auction account.


Bids associate a bidding key with an amount bid.

Models a set of metadata for a bidder, meant to be stored in a PDA. This allows looking up information about a bidder regardless of if they have won, lost or cancelled.


Define valid auction state transitions.

BidState tracks the running state of an auction, each variant represents a different kind of auction being run.

Structure with pricing floor data.



Type Definitions