Expand description

Collection of general purpose meta tools.

module::meta_tools rust-status stable

Collection of general purpose meta tools.


use meta_tools::*;

fn main()
  let meta_map = hmap! { 3 => 13 };
  let mut std_map = std::collections::HashMap::new();
  std_map.insert( 3, 13 );
  assert_eq!( meta_map, std_map );

To add to your project

cargo add meta_tools

Try out from the repository

git clone https://github.com/Wandalen/wTools
cd wTools
cd sample/rust/meta_tools_trivial
cargo run


pub use own::*;


Exposed namespace of the module.

Collection of general purpose meta tools.

Owned namespace of the module.

Prelude to use: use wtools::prelude::*.


Internal impls_2 macro. Don’t use.

Get name of a function.

Macro to rename function.

Split functions.

Split functions.

Define implementation putting each function under a macro.

Define implementation putting each function under a macro.

Index of items.