Module message_io::network[][src]

Expand description

It contains all the resources and tools to create and manage connections.


pub use adapter::SendStatus;


Module that specify the pattern to follow to create adapters. This module is not part of the public API itself, it must be used from the internals to build new adapters.


Information to identify the remote endpoint. The endpoint is used mainly as a connection identified.

Shareable instance in charge of control all the connections.

Instance in charge of process input network events. These events are offered to the user as a NetEvent its processing data.

Unique identifier of a network resource in your system. The identifier wrap 3 values,


Enum used to describe a network event that an internal transport adapter has produced.

Used for the adapter implementation. Specify the kind of event that is available for a resource.

An struct that contains a remote address. It can be Either, a SocketAddr as usual or a String used for protocols that needs more than a SocketAddr to get connected (e.g. WebSocket) It is usually used in NetworkController::connect() to specify the remote address.

Information about the type of resource

Enum to identified the underlying transport used. It can be passed to NetworkController::connect() and NetworkController::listen() methods to specify the transport used.


Similar to ToSocketAddrs but for a RemoteAddr. Instead of ToSocketAddrs that only can accept valid ‘ip:port’ string format, ToRemoteAddr accept any string without panic. If the string has the ‘ip:port’ format, it will be interpreted as a SocketAddr, if not, it will be interpreted as a string.


Create a network instance giving its controller and processor.