Crate memory_serve

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§Memory serve

memory-serve enables fast static file serving for axum web applications, by keeping all assets in memory.

It loads static web assets like HTML, stylesheets, images and scripts into the rust binary at compile time and exposes them as an axum Router. It automatically adds cache headers and handles file compression.

During development (debug builds) files are served dynamically, they are read and compressed at request time.

Text-based files like HTML or javascript are compressed using brotli at compile time and decompressed at startup, to minimize the binary size.

All files are served with an etag header and If-None-Match requests are handled accordingly.

Text-based files are served in plain or with gzip or brotli compression based on the abilities and preferences of the client.

Routing can be configured in a flexible manner, for instance to accommodate an SPA.


memory-serve is designed to work with axum


Provide a relative path to the directory containing your static assets to the load_assets! macro. This macro creates a data structure intended to be consumed by MemoryServe::new. Calling MemoryServe::into_router() on the resulting instance produces a axum Router that can either be merged in another Router or used directly in a server by calling Router::into_make_service().


use axum::{response::Html, routing::get, Router};
use memory_serve::{load_assets, MemoryServe};
use std::net::SocketAddr;

async fn main() {
    let memory_router = MemoryServe::new(load_assets!("static"))

    // possible other routes can be added at this point, like API routes
    let app = Router::new()

    let addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3000));
    let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind(addr).await.unwrap();
    axum::serve(listener, app).await.unwrap();

§Configuration options

An instance of the MemoryServe struct can be configured by calling the following configuration methods:

methodDefault valueDescription
MemoryServe::index_fileSome("/index.html")Which file to serve on the route “/”
MemoryServe::index_on_subdirectoriesfalseWhether to serve the corresponding index in subdirectories
MemoryServe::fallbackNoneWhich file to serve if no routed matched the request
MemoryServe::fallback_statusStatusCode::NOT_FOUNDThe HTTP status code to routes that did not match
MemoryServe::enable_gziptrueAllow to serve gzip encoded files
MemoryServe::enable_brotlitrueAllow to serve brotli encoded files
MemoryServe::html_cache_controlCacheControl::ShortCache control header to serve on HTML files
MemoryServe::cache_controlCacheControl::MediumCache control header to serve on other files
MemoryServe::add_alias[]Create a route / file alias
MemoryServe::enable_clean_urlfalseEnable clean URLs

See Cache control for the cache control options.


During compilation, problems that occur with the inclusion or compression of assets are logged to stdout, for instance:

WARN skipping file "static/empty.txt": file empty

When running the resulting executable, all registered routes and asset sizes are logged using the tracing crate. To print or log them, use tracing-subscriber. Example output:

 INFO memory_serve: serving /assets/icon.jpg 1366 bytes
 INFO memory_serve: serving /assets/index.css 1552 bytes
 INFO memory_serve: serving /assets/index.css (brotli compressed) 509 bytes
 INFO memory_serve: serving /assets/index.css (gzip compressed) 624 bytes
 INFO memory_serve: serving /assets/index.js 20 bytes
 INFO memory_serve: serving /assets/stars.svg 2255 bytes
 INFO memory_serve: serving /assets/stars.svg (brotli compressed) 907 bytes
 INFO memory_serve: serving /assets/stars.svg (gzip compressed) 1048 bytes
 INFO memory_serve: serving /index.html 437 bytes
 INFO memory_serve: serving /index.html (brotli compressed) 178 bytes
 INFO memory_serve: serving /index.html (gzip compressed) 274 bytes
 INFO memory_serve: serving /index.html as index on /

§Cache control

There are 5 different values to choose from for the cache-control settings:

CacheControl::Longclients can keep assets that have cache busting for a yearmax-age=31536000, immutable
CacheControl::Mediumassets without cache busting are revalidated after a day and can be kept for a weekmax-age=604800, stale-while-revalidate=86400
CacheControl::Shortcache kept for max 5 minutes, only at the client (not in a proxy)max-age:300, private
CacheControl::NoCachedo not cache if freshness is really vitalno-cache
CacheControl::CustomCustom valueuser defined


  • Macro to load a directory of static files into the resulting binary (possibly compressed) and create a data structure of (meta)data as an input for MemoryServe::new


  • Helper struct to create and configure an axum to serve static files from memory. Initiate an instance with the MemoryServe::new method and pass a call to the load_assets! macro as the single argument.
