Crate may_rpc

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may_rpc is an RPC framework for rust with a focus on ease of use, based on coroutines. Defining a service can be done in just a few lines of code, and most of the boilerplate of writing a server is taken care of for you.

§What is an RPC framework?

“RPC” stands for “Remote Procedure Call,” a function call where the work of producing the return value is being done somewhere else. When an rpc function is invoked, behind the scenes the function contacts some other process somewhere and asks them to evaluate the function instead. The original function then returns the value produced by the other process.

RPC frameworks are a fundamental building block of most microservice-oriented architectures. Two well-known ones are gRPC and Cap’n Proto.

may_rpc differentiates itself from other RPC frameworks by defining the schema in code, rather than in a separate language such as .proto. This means there’s no separate compilation process, and no cognitive context switching between different languages. Additionally, it works with the community-backed library serde: any serde-serializable type can be used as arguments to may_rpc fns.




  • All errors that can occur during the use of tarpc.


  • rpc client trait
  • must impl this trait for your server
  • Stream Extension
  • Provides a function for starting the tcp service.
  • Provides a function for starting the service.
  • Provides a function for starting the unix domain socket service.

Attribute Macros§

Derive Macros§