Module mav_sdk::grpc::camera[][src]


Nested message and enum types in CameraResult.

Generated client implementations.

Generated server implementations.

Nested message and enum types in Status.

Nested message and enum types in VideoStreamInfo.


Result type.

Can be used to manage cameras that implement the MAVLink Camera Protocol:

Can be used to manage cameras that implement the MAVLink Camera Protocol:

Information about a picture just captured.

Euler angle type.

Type to represent a camera information.

Type to represent a setting option.

Position type in global coordinates.

Quaternion type.

Type to represent a setting with a selected option.

Type to represent a setting with a list of options to choose from.

Information about the camera status.

Information about the video stream.

Type for video stream settings.


Camera mode type.


Generated trait containing gRPC methods that should be implemented for use with CameraServiceServer.