pub struct Joined { /* private fields */ }
Expand description

A room in the joined state.

The JoinedRoom contains all methods specific to a Room with type RoomType::Joined. Operations may fail once the underlying Room changes RoomType.


Create a new room::Joined if the underlying BaseRoom has type RoomType::Joined.

  • client - The client used to make requests.

  • room - The underlying room.

Leave this room.

Ban the user with UserId from this room.

  • user_id - The user to ban with UserId.

  • reason - The reason for banning this user.

Kick a user out of this room.

  • user_id - The UserId of the user that should be kicked out of the room.

  • reason - Optional reason why the room member is being kicked out.

Invite the specified user by UserId to this room.

  • user_id - The UserId of the user to invite to the room.

Invite the specified user by third party id to this room.

  • invite_id - A third party id of a user to invite to the room.

Activate typing notice for this room.

The typing notice remains active for 4s. It can be deactivate at any point by setting typing to false. If this method is called while the typing notice is active nothing will happen. This method can be called on every key stroke, since it will do nothing while typing is active.

  • typing - Whether the user is typing or has stopped typing.
use std::time::Duration;
use matrix_sdk::ruma::api::client::typing::create_typing_event::v3::Typing;

let room_id = room_id!("!SVkFJHzfwvuaIEawgC:localhost");

if let Some(room) = client.get_joined_room(&room_id) {

Send a request to notify this room that the user has read specific event.

  • event_id - The EventId specifies the event to set the read receipt on.

Send a request to notify this room that the user has read up to specific event.

  • fully_read - The EventId of the event the user has read to.

  • read_receipt - An EventId to specify the event to set the read receipt on.

Enable End-to-end encryption in this room.

This method will be a noop if encryption is already enabled, otherwise sends a state event to the room. This might fail if you don’t have the appropriate power level to enable end-to-end encryption.

A sync needs to be received to update the local room state. This method will wait for a sync to be received, this might time out if no sync loop is running or if the server is slow.

let room_id = room_id!("!SVkFJHzfwvuaIEawgC:localhost");

if let Some(room) = client.get_joined_room(&room_id) {

Send a room message to this room.

Returns the parsed response from the server.

If the encryption feature is enabled this method will transparently encrypt the room message if this room is encrypted.

Note: If you just want to send a custom JSON payload to a room, you can use the Joined::send_raw() method for that.

  • content - The content of the message event.

  • txn_id - A locally-unique ID describing a message transaction with the homeserver. Unless you’re doing something special, you can pass in None which will create a suitable one for you automatically.

    • On the sending side, this field is used for re-trying earlier failed transactions. Subsequent messages must never re-use an earlier transaction ID.
    • On the receiving side, the field is used for recognizing our own messages when they arrive down the sync: the server includes the ID in the MessageLikeUnsigned field transaction_id of the corresponding SyncMessageLikeEvent, but only for the sending device. Other devices will not see it. This is then used to ignore events sent by our own device and/or to implement local echo.
use matrix_sdk::ruma::{
        room::message::{RoomMessageEventContent, TextMessageEventContent},
    uint, MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch, TransactionId,

let content = RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain("Hello world");
let txn_id = TransactionId::new();

if let Some(room) = client.get_joined_room(&room_id) {
    room.send(content, Some(&txn_id)).await?;

// Custom events work too:
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, EventContent)]
#[ruma_event(type = "org.shiny_new_2fa.token", kind = MessageLike)]
struct TokenEventContent {
    token: String,
    #[serde(rename = "exp")]
    expires_at: MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch,

let content = TokenEventContent {
    token: generate_token(),
    expires_at: {
        let now = MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch::now();
        MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch(now.0 + uint!(30_000))
let txn_id = TransactionId::new();

if let Some(room) = client.get_joined_room(&room_id) {
    room.send(content, Some(&txn_id)).await?;

Send a room message to this room from a json Value.

Returns the parsed response from the server.

If the encryption feature is enabled this method will transparently encrypt the room message if this room is encrypted.

This method is equivalent to the Joined::send() method but allows sending custom JSON payloads, e.g. constructed using the serde_json::json!() macro.

  • content - The content of the event as a json Value.

  • event_type - The type of the event.

  • txn_id - A locally-unique ID describing a message transaction with the homeserver. Unless you’re doing something special, you can pass in None which will create a suitable one for you automatically.

    • On the sending side, this field is used for re-trying earlier failed transactions. Subsequent messages must never re-use an earlier transaction ID.
    • On the receiving side, the field is used for recognizing our own messages when they arrive down the sync: the server includes the ID in the StateUnsigned field transaction_id of the corresponding SyncMessageLikeEvent, but only for the sending device. Other devices will not see it. This is then used to ignore events sent by our own device and/or to implement local echo.
use serde_json::json;

let content = json!({
    "body": "Hello world",

if let Some(room) = client.get_joined_room(&room_id) {
    room.send_raw(content, "", None).await?;

Send an attachment to this room.

This will upload the given data that the reader produces using the upload() method and post an event to the given room. If the room is encrypted and the encryption feature is enabled the upload will be encrypted.

This is a convenience method that calls the Client::upload() and afterwards the send().

  • body - A textual representation of the media that is going to be uploaded. Usually the file name.

  • content_type - The type of the media, this will be used as the content-type header.

  • reader - A Reader that will be used to fetch the raw bytes of the media.

  • config - Metadata and configuration for the attachment.

let path = PathBuf::from("/home/example/my-cat.jpg");
let mut image = File::open(path)?;

if let Some(room) = client.get_joined_room(&room_id) {
        "My favorite cat",
        &mut image,

Send a room state event to the homeserver.

Returns the parsed response from the server.

  • content - The content of the state event.

  • state_key - A unique key which defines the overwriting semantics for this piece of room state. This value is often a zero-length string.

use matrix_sdk::ruma::{
        room::member::{RoomMemberEventContent, MembershipState},
    assign, mxc_uri,

let avatar_url = mxc_uri!("mxc://").to_owned();
let content = assign!(RoomMemberEventContent::new(MembershipState::Join), {
   avatar_url: Some(avatar_url),

if let Some(room) = client.get_joined_room(&room_id) {
    room.send_state_event(content, "").await?;

// Custom event:
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, EventContent)]
#[ruma_event(type = "", kind = State, state_key_type = String)]
struct XxxStateEventContent { /* fields... */ }
let content: XxxStateEventContent = todo!();

if let Some(room) = client.get_joined_room(&room_id) {
    room.send_state_event(content, "").await?;

Send a raw room state event to the homeserver.

Returns the parsed response from the server.

  • content - The raw content of the state event.

  • event_type - The type of the event that we’re sending out.

  • state_key - A unique key which defines the overwriting semantics for this piece of room state. This value is often a zero-length string.

use serde_json::json;

let content = json!({
    "avatar_url": "mxc://",
    "displayname": "Alice Margatroid",
    "membership": "join"

if let Some(room) = client.get_joined_room(&room_id) {
    room.send_state_event_raw(content, "", "").await?;

Strips all information out of an event of the room.

Returns the [redact_event::v3::Response] from the server.

This cannot be undone. Users may redact their own events, and any user with a power level greater than or equal to the redact power level of the room may redact events there.

  • event_id - The ID of the event to redact

  • reason - The reason for the event being redacted.

  • txn_id - A unique ID that can be attached to this event as its transaction ID. If not given one is created for the message.

use matrix_sdk::ruma::event_id;

if let Some(room) = client.get_joined_room(&room_id) {
    let event_id = event_id!("$");
    let reason = Some("Indecent material");
    room.redact(&event_id, reason, None).await?;

Methods from Deref<Target = Common>

Gets the avatar of this room, if set.

Returns the avatar. If a thumbnail is requested no guarantee on the size of the image is given.

  • format - The desired format of the avatar.
let client = Client::new(homeserver).await.unwrap();
client.login(user, "password", None, None).await.unwrap();
let room_id = room_id!("!");
let room = client
if let Some(avatar) = room.avatar(MediaFormat::File).await.unwrap() {
    std::fs::write("avatar.png", avatar);

Sends a request to /_matrix/client/r0/rooms/{room_id}/messages and returns a Messages struct that contains a chunk of room and state events (RoomEvent and AnyStateEvent).

With the encryption feature, messages are decrypted if possible. If decryption fails for an individual message, that message is returned undecrypted.

use matrix_sdk::{room::MessagesOptions, Client};

let request = MessagesOptions::backward("t47429-4392820_219380_26003_2265");

let mut client = Client::new(homeserver).await.unwrap();
let room = client

Fetch the event with the given EventId in this room.

Sync the member list with the server.

This method will de-duplicate requests if it is called multiple times in quick succession, in that case the return value will be None.

Get active members for this room, includes invited, joined members.

Note: This method will fetch the members from the homeserver if the member list isn’t synchronized due to member lazy loading. Because of that, it might panic if it isn’t run on a tokio thread.

Use active_members_no_sync() if you want a method that doesn’t do any requests.

Get active members for this room, includes invited, joined members.

Note: This method will not fetch the members from the homeserver if the member list isn’t synchronized due to member lazy loading. Thus, members could be missing from the list.

Use active_members() if you want to ensure to always get the full member list.

Get all the joined members of this room.

Note: This method will fetch the members from the homeserver if the member list isn’t synchronized due to member lazy loading. Because of that it might panic if it isn’t run on a tokio thread.

Use joined_members_no_sync() if you want a method that doesn’t do any requests.

Get all the joined members of this room.

Note: This method will not fetch the members from the homeserver if the member list isn’t synchronized due to member lazy loading. Thus, members could be missing from the list.

Use joined_members() if you want to ensure to always get the full member list.

Get a specific member of this room.

Note: This method will fetch the members from the homeserver if the member list isn’t synchronized due to member lazy loading. Because of that it might panic if it isn’t run on a tokio thread.

Use get_member_no_sync() if you want a method that doesn’t do any requests.

  • user_id - The ID of the user that should be fetched out of the store.

Get a specific member of this room.

Note: This method will not fetch the members from the homeserver if the member list isn’t synchronized due to member lazy loading. Thus, members could be missing.

Use get_member() if you want to ensure to always have the full member list to chose from.

  • user_id - The ID of the user that should be fetched out of the store.

Get all members for this room, includes invited, joined and left members.

Note: This method will fetch the members from the homeserver if the member list isn’t synchronized due to member lazy loading. Because of that it might panic if it isn’t run on a tokio thread.

Use members_no_sync() if you want a method that doesn’t do any requests.

Get all members for this room, includes invited, joined and left members.

Note: This method will not fetch the members from the homeserver if the member list isn’t synchronized due to member lazy loading. Thus, members could be missing.

Use members() if you want to ensure to always get the full member list.

Get all state events of a given type in this room.

Get all state events of a given statically-known type in this room.

use matrix_sdk::ruma::{events::room::member::SyncRoomMemberEvent, serde::Raw};

let room_members: Vec<Raw<SyncRoomMemberEvent>> = room.get_state_events_static().await?;

Get a specific state event in this room.

Get a specific state event of statically-known type in this room.

use matrix_sdk::ruma::events::room::power_levels::SyncRoomPowerLevelsEvent;

let power_levels: SyncRoomPowerLevelsEvent = room
    .expect("every room has a power_levels event")

Get account data in this room.

Get account data of statically-known type in this room.

use matrix_sdk::ruma::events::fully_read::FullyReadEventContent;

match room.account_data_static::<FullyReadEventContent>().await? {
    Some(fully_read) => println!("Found read marker: {:?}", fully_read.deserialize()?),
    None => println!("No read marker for this room"),
Available on crate feature e2e-encryption only.

Check if all members of this room are verified and all their devices are verified.

Returns true if all devices in the room are verified, otherwise false.

Adds a tag to the room, or updates it if it already exists.

Returns the [create_tag::v3::Response] from the server.

  • tag - The tag to add or update.

  • tag_info - Information about the tag, generally containing the order parameter.

use matrix_sdk::ruma::events::tag::TagInfo;

if let Some(room) = client.get_joined_room(&room_id) {
    let mut tag_info = TagInfo::new();
    tag_info.order = Some(0.9);
    let user_tag = UserTagName::from_str("")?;

    room.set_tag(TagName::User(user_tag), tag_info ).await?;

Removes a tag from the room.

Returns the [delete_tag::v3::Response] from the server.

  • tag - The tag to remove.

Sets whether this room is a DM.

When setting this room as DM, it will be marked as DM for all active members of the room. When unsetting this room as DM, it will be unmarked as DM for all users, not just the members.

  • is_direct - Whether to mark this room as direct.
Available on crate feature e2e-encryption only.

Tries to decrypt a room event.

  • event - The room event to be decrypted.

Returns the decrypted event.

Methods from Deref<Target = BaseRoom>

Get the unique room id of the room.

Get our own user id.

Get the type of the room.

Whether this room’s RoomType is

Get the unread notification counts.

Check if the room has it’s members fully synced.

Members might be missing if lazy member loading was enabled for the sync.

Returns true if no members are missing, false otherwise.

Get the prev_batch token that was received from the last sync. May be None if the last sync contained the full room history.

Get the avatar url of this room.

Get the canonical alias of this room.

Get the content of this room.

This usually isn’t optional but some servers might not send an event as the first event for a given room, thus this can be optional.

It can also be redacted in current room versions, leaving only the creator field.

Is this room considered a direct message.

If this room is a direct message, get the members that we’re sharing the room with.

Note: The member list might have been modified in the meantime and the targets might not even be in the room anymore. This setting should only be considered as guidance.

Is the room encrypted.

Get the content that enabled end to end encryption in the room.

Get the guest access policy of this room.

Get the history visibility policy of this room.

Is the room considered to be public.

Get the join rule policy of this room.

Get the maximum power level that this room contains.

This is useful if one wishes to normalize the power levels, e.g. from 0-100 where 100 would be the max power level.

Get the of this room.

Has the room been tombstoned.

Get the content of this room if there is one.

Get the topic of the room.

Calculate the canonical display name of the room, taking into account its name, aliases and members.

The display name is calculated according to this algorithm.

Get the list of users ids that are considered to be joined members of this room.

Get the all RoomMembers of this room that are known to the store.

Get the list of RoomMembers that are considered to be joined members of this room.

Get the list of RoomMembers that are considered to be joined or invited members of this room.

Clone the inner RoomInfo

Update the summary with given RoomInfo

Get the RoomMember with the given user_id.

Returns None if the member was never part of this room, otherwise return a RoomMember that can be in a joined, invited, left, banned state.

Get the Tags for this room.

Get the read receipt as a EventId and Receipt tuple for the given user_id in this room.

Get the read receipts as a list of UserId and Receipt tuples for the given event_id in this room.

Trait Implementations

Returns a copy of the value. Read more

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

The resulting type after dereferencing.

Dereferences the value.

Converts to this type from the input type.

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Returns the argument unchanged.

Instruments this type with the provided Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.

The alignment of pointer.

The type for initializers.

Initializes a with the given initializer. Read more

Dereferences the given pointer. Read more

Mutably dereferences the given pointer. Read more

Drops the object pointed to by the given pointer. Read more

Should always be Self

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (toowned_clone_into)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

Attaches the provided Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more

Attaches the current default Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more