Crate mathx

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  • A structure for a color where each channel is a floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0
  • A “static” structure used to compute math functions. Since f32 gets a lot of it’s functions stripped away when using no_std, you can use this structure to regain those functions. It will also work the same even if you don’t use it for no_std.
  • A struct that represents a 3D plane
  • A 4D quaternion that holds 3 complex numbers and 1 real number structured as such: (a + b i + c j + d k)
  • A 2D ray that holds an origin and direction both as 2D vectors
  • A 3D ray that holds an origin and direction both as 3D vectors
  • A 2D vector that holds an x-coordinate and y-coordinate
  • A 3D vector that holds an x-coordinate, y-coordinate, and z-coordinate