[][src]Trait maths_traits::algebra::ring_like::Exponential

pub trait Exponential: Sized {
    fn exp(self) -> Self;
fn try_ln(self) -> Option<Self>; }

A unary operation mapping addition into multiplication

Rigourously, and exponential operation is a mapping E:R->R such that:

  • E(x+y) = E(x)*E(y) whenever x*y = y*x
  • E(x) != 0

In addition to these base properties, this trait also stipulates that this function not map every element to 1, so as to rule out the trivial case.

Furthmore, to clear up ambiguity, it is important to note that different variations on this definition exists. For instance:

  • As already mentioned, some may allow the mapping to be non-trivial
  • Some may also allow E(x) = 0
  • For the Real and Complex exponentials, there are a multitude of equivalent definitions that have no true effect on the mapping

More importantly though, most authors specify that the E(x+y) = E(x)*E(y) for all x and y (such as on Wikipedia) However, doing so disallows both the Matrix exponential and Quaternion exponential as well as the Clifford Algebra exponential, all of which are, frankly, the only reason to make the exponential its own separate trait.

Effects on Ring structure

It is worth noting that any ring that has a non-trivial exponential operation must automatically have a characteristic of 0 (that is, 1+1+1+...+1 will never equal zero) and hence, has an embedding of the Integers within it.

This fact is easily proven as follows:

  • assume char(R) = n != 0
  • then, for any x in R, nx = x+...+x = 0, and, the Frobenious automorphism gives that (x+y)ⁿ = xⁿ + yⁿ
  • Hence, (E(x) - 1)ⁿ = E(x)ⁿ - 1 = E(nx) - 1 = E(0) - 1 = 0
  • Thus, we have that that E(x) = 1 contradicting our assumtions

Additionally, any element that is the output of the expoenential must be an invertible element, since
1 = E(0) = E(x-x) = E(x)*E(-x) implying E(x) = E(x)⁻¹


In general, this characterization of the exponential function is not unique. However, in the vast majority of cases, there is a canonical version that all others derive from or there is only one non-trivial case.

For example, most real-algebras have infinitely many exponentials, but we get a canonical form stipulating that the function satisfy the classic differential equation E'(x) = E(x) or some variant.

Required methods

fn exp(self) -> Self

The exponential of this ring element

Here, exp(x) is defined such that:

  • exp(x+y) = exp(x)*exp(y) for all x and y where x*y=y*x
  • exp(x) != 0
  • exp(x) is continuous (if applicable)
  • d/dx exp(x)|ₓ₌₁ = 1 (if applicable)

For most structures, this function is equivalent to the infinite series Σ xn/n!

fn try_ln(self) -> Option<Self>

An inverse of exp(x) where ln(1) = 0

This returns a None value whenever the inverse does not exist for the given input.

Uniqueness and Continuity

Do note, however, that for almost all non-Real structures, this function is not unique and can never be continuous. Of course, some of this ambiguity is resolved by stipulating that ln(1) = 0, but even so, some remains, and so, it is entirely up to the implementor to any specific canonical form if applicable.

For example, the Complex numbers, the natural logarithm must be discontinuous somewhere, and there are infinitely many choices as to where that is. However, usually, this ambiguity is removed by taking the imaginary component of the result between -π and π and setting the discontinuity to be on the negative real axis

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl Exponential for f32[src]

impl Exponential for f64[src]

impl Exponential for i8[src]

impl Exponential for i16[src]

impl Exponential for i32[src]

impl Exponential for i64[src]

impl Exponential for isize[src]

impl Exponential for i128[src]

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