[][src]Function mathru::special::beta::beta_inc_reg

pub fn beta_inc_reg(x: f64, a: f64, b: f64) -> f64

Incomplete regularized beta function

B(x; a,b) = ∫0 x ta-1(1-t)b-1 dt

Fore more information: Wikipedia Beta function


  • x > 0.0
  • y > 0.0


Panics if the parameter conditions are not fulfilled.


extern crate mathru;
use mathru::special::beta;
let a: f64 = 0.3_f64;
let b: f64 = 0.6_f64;
let x: f64 = 0.2_f64;

let beta: f64 = beta::beta_inc_reg(x, a, b);

The code from the following C code was ported to Rust C implementation