Expand description


A crate that provides mathematics functions implemented entirely in Rust.


The library usage is described well in the API documentation - including example code.

Add this to your Cargo.toml:

mathru = "0.14"

Then it is ready to be used:

 use mathru::algebra::linear::{Vector, Matrix};
 use mathru::algebra::linear::matrix::{Substitute};

 // Compute the LU decomposition of a 2x2 matrix
 let a: Matrix<f64> = Matrix::new(2, 2, vec![1.0, 2.0, -3.0, -7.0]);
 let b: Vector<f64> = vector![1.0; 3.0];

 let (l, u, p): (Matrix<f64>, Matrix<f64>, Matrix<f64>) = a.dec_lu().unwrap().lup();

 let b_hat = &p * &b;

 let y = u.substitute_backward(b_hat).unwrap();

 let x = p * l.substitute_forward(y).unwrap();

 println!("{}", x);
use mathru::vector;
use mathru::algebra::linear::{Vector, Matrix};
use mathru::statistics::distrib::{Distribution, Normal};
use mathru::optimization::{Optim, LevenbergMarquardt};

//y = a + b * exp(c * t) = f(t)
pub struct Example
   x: Vector<f64>,
   y: Vector<f64>

impl Example
    pub fn new(x: Vector<f64>, y: Vector<f64>) -> Example

    pub fn function(x: f64, beta: &Vector<f64>) -> f64
        let beta_0: f64 = beta[0];
        let beta_1: f64 = beta[1];
        let beta_2: f64 = beta[2];
        let f_x: f64 = beta_0 + beta_1 * (beta_2 * x).exp();

        return f_x;

impl Optim<f64> for Example
    // y(x_i) - f(x_i)
    fn eval(&self, beta: &Vector<f64>) -> Vector<f64>
        let f_x = self.x.clone().apply(&|x: &f64| Example::function(*x, beta));
        let r: Vector<f64> = &self.y - &f_x;
        return vector![r.dotp(&r)];

    fn jacobian(&self, beta: &Vector<f64>) -> Matrix<f64>
        let (x_m, _x_n) = self.x.dim();
        let (beta_m, _beta_n) = beta.dim();

        let mut jacobian_f: Matrix<f64> = Matrix::zero(x_m, beta_m);

        let f_x = self.x.clone().apply(&|x: &f64| Example::function(*x, beta));
        let residual: Vector<f64> = &self.y - &f_x;

        for i in 0..x_m
            let beta_1: f64 = beta[1];
            let beta_2: f64 = beta[2];

            let x_i: f64 = self.x[i];

            jacobian_f[[i, 0]] = 1.0;
            jacobian_f[[i, 1]] = (beta_2 * x_i).exp();
            jacobian_f[[i, 2]] = beta_1 * x_i * (beta_2 * x_i).exp();

           let jacobian: Matrix<f64> = (residual.transpose() * jacobian_f * -2.0).into();
        return jacobian;

let num_samples: usize = 100;
let noise: Normal<f64> = Normal::new(0.0, 0.05);
let mut t_vec: Vec<f64> = Vec::with_capacity(num_samples);
// Start time
let t_0 = 0.0f64;
// End time
let t_1 = 5.0f64;
let mut y_vec: Vec<f64> = Vec::with_capacity(num_samples);
// True function parameters
let beta: Vector<f64> = vector![0.5; 5.0; -1.0];
for i in 0..num_samples
    let t_i: f64 = (t_1 - t_0) / (num_samples as f64) * (i as f64);
    //Add some noise
    y_vec.push(Example::function(t_i, &beta) + noise.random());
let t: Vector<f64> = Vector::new_column(t_vec.clone());
let y: Vector<f64> = Vector::new_column(y_vec.clone());
let example_function = Example::new(t, y);
let optim: LevenbergMarquardt<f64> = LevenbergMarquardt::new(100, 0.3, 0.95);
let beta_0: Vector<f64> = vector![-1.5; 1.0; -2.0];
let beta_opt: Vector<f64> = optim.minimize(&example_function, &beta_0).unwrap().arg();
println!("{}", beta_opt);


Elementary functions
Special functions


Approximate equality using the absolute difference.
Approximate inequality using the absolute difference.
An assertion that delegates to abs_diff_eq!, and panics with a helpful error on failure.
An assertion that delegates to abs_diff_ne!, and panics with a helpful error on failure.
An assertion that delegates to relative_eq!, and panics with a helpful error on failure.
An assertion that delegates to relative_ne!, and panics with a helpful error on failure.
Macro to construct matrices
Approximate equality using both the absolute difference and relative based comparisons.
Approximate inequality using both the absolute difference and relative based comparisons.
Macro to construct vectors