Module matfile::ndarray

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Helpers for converting between matfile::Array and ndarray::Array.

While matfile arrays abstract over the underlying data type, ndarray arrays are parameterized by a concrete data type. Thus the conversions provided are fallible in case the data types are not compatible.


First, bring the TryInto trait into scope:

use std::convert::TryInto;

Dynamically dimensioned arrays

Converting a matfile array mf_arr to a dynamic dimension ndarray array nd_arr:

let nd_arr: ndarray::ArrayD<f64> = mf_arr.try_into()?;

Statically dimensioned arrays

Converting a matfile array mf_arr to a static dimension ndarray array nd_arr:

let nd_arr: ndarray::Array2<num_complex::Complex<f32>> = mf_arr.try_into()?;
