
Data structures for ser/de of account-related resources A module containing everything relating to a account returned from the api.
Data structures for ser/de of attachment-related resources Module containing everything related to media attachements.
Data structures for ser/de of card-related resources Module representing cards of statuses.
Data structures for ser/de of contetx-related resources A module about contexts of statuses.
Error types for this crate
Data structures for ser/de of streaming events
Data structures for ser/de of filter-related resources
Data structures for ser/de of instance-related resources Module containing everything related to an instance.
Data structures for ser/de of list-related resources
Data structures for ser/de of mention-related resources
Data structures for ser/de of notification-related resources Module containing all info about notifications.
The purpose of this module is to alleviate imports of many common structs by adding a glob import to the top of mastodon heavy modules:
Data structures for ser/de of push-subscription-related resources
Data structures for ser/de of relationship-related resources module containing everything relating to a relationship with another account.
Data structures for ser/de of report-related resources module containing information about a finished report of a user.
Data structures for ser/de of search-related resources A module containing info relating to a search result.
Data structures for ser/de of status-related resources Module containing all info relating to a status.
Data structure for ser/de visibility


An empty JSON object.