Function markdown::to_mdast

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pub fn to_mdast(value: &str, options: &ParseOptions) -> Result<Node, Message>
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Turn markdown into a syntax tree.


to_mdast() never errors with normal markdown because markdown does not have syntax errors, so feel free to unwrap(). However, MDX does have syntax errors. When MDX is turned on, there are several errors that can occur with how JSX, expressions, or ESM are written.


use markdown::{to_mdast, ParseOptions};

let tree = to_mdast("# Hey, *you*!", &ParseOptions::default())?;

println!("{:?}", tree);
// => Root { children: [Heading { children: [Text { value: "Hey, ", position: Some(1:3-1:8 (2-7)) }, Emphasis { children: [Text { value: "you", position: Some(1:9-1:12 (8-11)) }], position: Some(1:8-1:13 (7-12)) }, Text { value: "!", position: Some(1:13-1:14 (12-13)) }], position: Some(1:1-1:14 (0-13)), depth: 1 }], position: Some(1:1-1:14 (0-13)) }