pub type MarineModuleConfig = MarineModuleConfig<WasmBackend>;

Aliased Type§

struct MarineModuleConfig {
    pub logger_enabled: bool,
    pub host_imports: HashMap<HostAPIVersion, HashMap<String, HostImportDescriptor<WasmtimeWasmBackend>>>,
    pub wasi: Option<MarineWASIConfig>,
    pub logging_mask: i32,


§logger_enabled: bool

Defines whether Marine should provide a special host log_utf8_string function for this module.

§host_imports: HashMap<HostAPIVersion, HashMap<String, HostImportDescriptor<WasmtimeWasmBackend>>>

Export from host functions that will be accessible on the Wasm side by provided name. The imports are provided separately for each marine host api version

§wasi: Option<MarineWASIConfig>

A WASI config.

§logging_mask: i32

Mask used to filter logs, for details see log_utf8_string