
Functions for working with bools.
Functions for working with chars.
Macros and traits related to comparing values.
Integer, a type representing integers with arbitrarily large absolute values.
Functions and adaptors for iterators.
The Named trait, for getting a type’s name.
Natural, a type representing arbitrarily large non-negative integers.
Never, a type that cannot be instantiated.
Functions for working with primitive integers and floats.
Functions for working with Orderings.
Functions for working with Options.
Functions for generating random values.
RationalSequence, a type representing a sequence that is finite or eventually repeating, just like the digits of a rational number.
RoundingMode, an enum used to specify rounding behavior.
Functions for working with HashSets and BTreeSets.
Functions for working with slices.
Functions for working with Strings.
Functions for working with tuples.
Unions (sum types). These are essentially generic enums.
Functions for working with Vecs.


Defines custom exhaustive tuple generators.
Defines exhaustive ordered unique tuple generators.
Defines exhaustive tuple generators.
Defines exhaustive tuple generators that generate tuples from a single iterator.
Defines exhaustive union generators.
Defines lexicographic unique tuple generators.
Defines exhaustive fixed-length Vec generators.
Automatically implements Named for a type.
Defines custom lexicographic tuple generators.
Defines lexicographic ordered unique tuple generators.
Defines lexicographic tuple generators.
Defines lexicographic unique tuple generators.
Defines lexicographic fixed-length Vec generators.
Computes the maximum of a list of expressions.
Computes the minimum of a list of expressions.
Defines custom random tuple generators.
Defines random ordered unique tuple generators.
Defines random tuple generators.
Defines random union generators.
Defines random unique tuple generators.
Defines random fixed-length Vec generators.
Splits an immutable slice into adjacent immutable chunks.
Splits a mutable slice into adjacent mutable chunks.
Defines unions.


An integer.
A natural (non-negative) integer.
A rational number.