pub fn random_vecs_fixed_length_2_inputs<T, I: Iterator<Item = T>, J: Iterator<Item = T>>(
    seed: Seed,
    xs_gen: &dyn Fn(Seed) -> I,
    ys_gen: &dyn Fn(Seed) -> J,
    output_to_input_map: &[usize]
) -> RandomFixedLengthVecs2Inputs<T, I, J>Notable traits for RandomFixedLengthVecs2Inputs<T, I, J>impl<T, I: Iterator<Item = T>, J: Iterator<Item = T>> Iterator for RandomFixedLengthVecs2Inputs<T, I, J> type Item = Vec<T>;
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This documentation applies not only to random_vecs_fixed_length_2_inputs, but also to random_vecs_fixed_length_3_inputs, random_vecs_fixed_length_4_inputs, and so on. See random_vecs_fixed_length for more information.

Generates random length-$n$ Vecs using elements from $m$ iterators, where $m \leq n$.

The output_to_input_map parameter defines which iterators are mapped to which slot in the output Vecs. The length of the output Vecs, $n$, is specified by the length of output_to_input_map.

The $i$th element of output_to_input_map is an index from 0 to $m-1$ which specifies which iterator the $i$th output slot is populated with. Together, the elements must include all indices from 0 to $m-1$, inclusive, possibly with repetitions.

xs must be infinite.


See here.