pub fn exhaustive_ordered_unique_vecs<I: Iterator>(
    xs: I
) -> ExhaustiveOrderedUniqueCollections<I, Vec<I::Item>>Notable traits for ExhaustiveOrderedUniqueCollections<I, C>impl<I: Iterator, C: FromIterator<I::Item>> Iterator for ExhaustiveOrderedUniqueCollections<I, C> where
    I::Item: Clone
type Item = C;
    I::Item: Clone
Expand description

Generates Vecs with elements from a single iterator, such that each Vec has no repeated elements, and the elements in each Vec are ordered the same way as they are in the source iterator.

The source iterator should not repeat any elements, but this is not enforced.

The iterator should be finite; if it is infinite, only prefixes of the iterator will be generated.

If the input iterator is infinite, the output length is also infinite.

If the input iterator length is $n$, the output length is $2^n$.

If xs is empty, the output consists of a single empty Vec.


extern crate itertools;

use itertools::Itertools;
use malachite_base::vecs::exhaustive::exhaustive_ordered_unique_vecs;

let xss = exhaustive_ordered_unique_vecs(1..=4).collect_vec();
        &[1, 2],
        &[1, 3],
        &[2, 3],
        &[1, 2, 3],
        &[1, 4],
        &[2, 4],
        &[1, 2, 4],
        &[3, 4],
        &[1, 3, 4],
        &[2, 3, 4],
        &[1, 2, 3, 4]