pub fn graphic_weighted_random_char_inclusive_range(
    seed: Seed,
    a: char,
    b: char,
    p_numerator: u64,
    p_denominator: u64
) -> WeightedGraphicRandomCharRangeNotable traits for WeightedGraphicRandomCharRangeimpl Iterator for WeightedGraphicRandomCharRange type Item = char;
Expand description

Generates random chars in the closed interval $[a, b]$, weighting graphic and non-graphic chars separately.

See char_is_graphic for the definition of a graphic char.

Let $n_p$ be p_numerator and $d_p$ be p_denominator, and let $p = p_n/p_d$.

The set of graphic chars in the specified range is selected with probability $p$, and the set of non-graphic chars in the range with probability $1-p$. Then, a char is selected uniformly from the appropriate set.

$a$ must be less than $b$. Furthermore, $[a, b]$ must contain both graphic and non-graphic chars. This function cannot create a range that includes char::MAX; for that, use graphic_weighted_random_char_inclusive_range.

Let $g$ be the number of graphic chars in $[a, b]$. Then we have

$$ P(x) = \begin{cases} \frac{p}{g} & a \leq x < b \ \text{and} \ x \ \text{is graphic} \\ \frac{1-p}{b-a-g+1} & a \leq x < b \ \text{and} \ x \ \text{is not graphic} \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} $$

To recover the uniform distribution, use $p = g/(b-a+1)$.

The output length is infinite.

Expected complexity per iteration

Constant time and additional memory.


Panics if p_denominator is zero or p_denominator > p_denominator, if $a > b$, if $[a, b]$ contains no graphic chars, or if $[a, b]$ contains only graphic chars.


use malachite_base::chars::random::graphic_weighted_random_char_inclusive_range;
use malachite_base::random::EXAMPLE_SEED;

    graphic_weighted_random_char_inclusive_range(EXAMPLE_SEED, '\u{100}', '\u{3ff}', 10, 11)