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//! The crate responsible for holding Makepad's Android-specific context states.
//! These two states are:
//! 1. The JavaVM instance initialized by the JNI layer.
//! * This cannot be set by foreign code outside this crate,
//! as it is only ever set once during the lifetime of the app process.
//! 2. The current Makepad Activity instance.
//! * This *can* be set by foreign code outside this crate,
//! as the underlying Android platform may tear down and reconstruct
//! the activity instance multiple times during the app's lifetime.
//! * However, for safety reasons, we only permit a single caller
//! to obtain the private "set_activity" function, which ensures that
//! only the internal Makepad framework can set the activity instance.
//! ## Usage
//! You probably want to use the [`robius-android-env`] crate instead of
//! using this crate directly.
//! External users of this crate should only care about two functions:
//! 1. [`get_java_vm()`]: returns a pointer to the JavaVM instance,
//! through which you can obtain the JNI environment.
//! 2. [`get_activity()`]: returns a pointer to the current Makepad Activity instance.
//! The other functions are intended for Makepad-internal use only,
//! and will not be useful for external users.
//! [`robius-android-env`]:
use std::sync::Mutex;
use makepad_jni_sys as jni_sys;
static mut ACTIVITY: jni_sys::jobject = std::ptr::null_mut();
static mut VM: *mut jni_sys::JavaVM = std::ptr::null_mut();
static SET_ACTIVITY_FN: Mutex<Option<unsafe fn(jni_sys::jobject)>> = {
unsafe fn set_activity(activity: jni_sys::jobject) {
ACTIVITY = activity;
/// Returns a function that can be used to set the current Makepad Activity instance.
/// This will return `Some` only once, which guarantees that only the
/// internal Makepad framework can obtain the function to set the activity instance.
pub fn get_activity_setter_fn() -> Option<unsafe fn(jni_sys::jobject)> {
pub unsafe extern "C" fn JNI_OnLoad(
vm: *mut jni_sys::JavaVM,
_: std::ffi::c_void,
) -> jni_sys::jint {
VM = vm as *mut _ as _;
jni_sys::JNI_VERSION_1_6 as _
extern "C" fn jni_on_load(vm: *mut std::ffi::c_void) {
unsafe {
VM = vm as _;
/// Returns a raw pointer to the JavaVM instance initialized by the JNI layer.
/// If the JavaVM instance has not been initialized, this returns a null pointer.
pub fn get_java_vm() -> *mut jni_sys::JavaVM {
// SAFETY: just returning a raw pointer.
unsafe { VM }
/// Returns a raw pointer to the main Makepad Activity instance.
/// Note that the caller should not cache or re-use the returned activity pointer,
/// but should instead re-call this function whenever the activity instance is needed.
/// This is because the activity instance may be destroyed and recreated behind the scenes
/// upon certain system actions, e.g., when the device is rotated,
/// the app is put into split screen, resized/moved, etc.
/// If the Activity instance has not been initialized, this returns a null pointer.
pub fn get_activity() -> jni_sys::jobject {
// SAFETY: just returning a raw pointer.
unsafe { ACTIVITY }