Module macroific::attr_parse

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Available on crate feature attr_parse only.
Expand description

Utilities for parsing Attributes.


Basic usage
use macroific::attr_parse::prelude::*;

struct MyOptions {
  str_option: String,
  optional: Option<syn::Lifetime>,
  bool_option1: bool,
  bool_option2: bool,
  bool_option3: bool,
  a_list: Punctuated<u32, syn::Token![,]>,
  a_path: Option<syn::Path>,

// You'd normally get this from `DeriveInput`
let attributes: Vec<syn::Attribute> = vec![
  syn::parse_quote! { #[my_opts(str_option = "hello", bool_option2, bool_option3 = false)] },
  syn::parse_quote! { #[my_opts(a_list(10, 20, 30), a_path(std::fs::File))] }

let opts = MyOptions::from_iter_named("my_opts", Span::call_site(), attributes).unwrap();

// Strings & numbers can be converted straight from syn types
assert_eq!(opts.str_option, "hello");

// Optionals are optional (:

// We didn't provide bool1 so it `Default::default()`ed to false

// Booleans can be provided with just the property name so bool2 is true

// Though we can provide an explicit value too

// Punctuated lists are supported as the enclosed type implements ParseOption
assert_eq!(opts.a_list[0], 10);
assert_eq!(opts.a_list[1], 20);
assert_eq!(opts.a_list[2], 30);

// The path is provided with an alternative syntax as an example, but it could've just as
// easily been provided as `a_path = std::fs::File`
assert_eq!(opts.a_path.unwrap().to_token_stream().to_string(), "std :: fs :: File");
Renaming & default values
use macroific::attr_parse::prelude::*;

#[derive(AttributeOptions, Debug)]
struct MyOptions {
    rename = "A",
    default = false // fail if this attr is not provided
  num1: u8,

  #[attr_opts(default = some_module::default_num)] // use this function for the default value
  num2: u8,

mod some_module {
  pub(super) fn default_num() -> u8 { u8::MAX }

let opts = MyOptions::from_attr(parse_quote! { #[foo_attr(A = 10)] }).unwrap();
assert_eq!(opts.num1, 10);
assert_eq!(opts.num2, u8::MAX);

let err = MyOptions::from_attr(parse_quote! { #[foo_attr()] }).unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(err.to_string(), r#"Missing required attribute: "A""#);

Full table on supported syntaxes for providing option values can be found on parse_bool_attr and parse_valued_attr. See the derive macro doc page for options you can pass to it.

Nesting structs

Nesting structs can be achieved by deriving the ParseOption trait which uses the same options as AttributeOptions.

#[derive(ParseOption, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct Nested {
  required: bool,
  foo: String,
  count: Option<u8>,

#[derive(AttributeOptions, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct Options {
  #[attr_opts(default = false)]
  nest: Nested,

  #[attr_opts(default = false)]
  alt: Nested,

  root: String,

let opts = Options::from_attr(parse_quote! { #[some_attr(root = "^", nest(count = 5, required), alt(foo = "Bar"))] })

let expect = Options {
 nest: Nested { required: true, count: Some(5), foo: String::new() },
 alt: Nested { required: false, count: None, foo: "Bar".into() },
 root: "^".into(),

assert_eq!(opts, expect);


Enable the full feature to implement ParseOption for syn types that require it.





Derive Macros