Crate macro_tools

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§Module :: proc_macro_tools

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Tools for writing procedural macros.

§Example: Trivial One

The purpose of typ::type_parameters is to extract type parameters from a given Rust type. In this example, we generate a type core::option::Option<i8, i16, i32, i64> and extract its type parameters.

#[ cfg( not( all( feature = "enabled", feature = "typ" ) ) ) ]
fn main(){}
#[ cfg( all( feature = "enabled", feature = "typ" ) ) ]
fn main()
  // Import necessary macros and modules from the `macro_tools` crate.
  use macro_tools::{ typ, qt };

  // Generate a token stream representing the type `core::option::Option<i8, i16, i32, i64>`.
  let code = qt!( core::option::Option< i8, i16, i32, i64 > );

  // Parse the generated token stream into a `syn::Type` object.
  // `syn::Type` is a syntax tree node representing a Rust type.
  let tree_type = syn::parse2::< syn::Type >( code ).unwrap();

  // Extract type parameters from the parsed type.
  // `typ::type_parameters` takes a reference to a `syn::Type` and a range.
  // It returns a vector of type parameters within the specified range.
  // Here, `0..=2` specifies that we are interested in the first three type parameters.
  let got = typ::type_parameters( &tree_type, 0..=2 );

  // Iterate over the extracted type parameters and print each one.
  // The `qt!` macro is used to convert the type parameter back to a token stream for printing.
  got.iter().for_each( | e | println!( "{}", qt!( #e ) ) );

  /* Expected output:

Try out cargo run --example macro_tools_trivial.
See code.

§Example: Attribute Properties

This example demonstrates an approach to parsing attributes and their properties. The attributes are collected into a struct that aggregates them, and attribute properties are parsed using reusable components from a library. The example shows how to use AttributePropertyBoolean for parsing boolean properties and the roles of the traits AttributePropertyComponent and AttributeComponent. The Assign trait is also used to simplify the logic of assigning fields.

Attributes are collected into a ItemAttributes struct, and attribute properties are parsed using reusable components like AttributePropertyBoolean.

  • AttributeComponent: A trait that defines how an attribute should be parsed from a syn::Attribute.
  • AttributePropertyComponent: A trait that defines a marker for attribute properties.
  • Assign: A trait that simplifies the logic of assigning fields to a struct. Using a component-based approach requires each field to have a unique type, which aligns with the strengths of strongly-typed languages. This method ensures that the logic of assigning values to fields is encapsulated within the fields themselves, promoting modularity and reusability.

The reusable property components from the library come with parameters that distinguish different properties of the same type. This is useful when an attribute has multiple boolean properties, for instance. Such an approach helps to avoid limitations where it is always possible to define traits for custom types, while it may not be possible for types defined in other crates.

#[ cfg( not( all( feature = "enabled", feature = "attr_prop", debug_assertions ) )  ) ]
fn main(){}
#[ cfg( all( feature = "enabled", feature = "attr_prop", debug_assertions )  ) ]
fn main()

  use macro_tools::

  /// Represents the attributes of a struct. Aggregates all its attributes.
  #[ derive( Debug, Default ) ]
  pub struct ItemAttributes
    /// Attribute for customizing the mutation process.
    pub mutator : AttributeMutator,

  impl ItemAttributes
    /// Constructs a `ItemAttributes` instance from an iterator of attributes.
    /// This function parses the provided attributes and assigns them to the
    /// appropriate fields in the `ItemAttributes` struct.
    pub fn from_attrs< 'a >( attrs : impl Iterator< Item = & 'a syn::Attribute > ) -> Result< Self >
      let mut result = Self::default();

      // Closure to generate an error message for unknown attributes.
      let error = | attr : & syn::Attribute | -> syn::Error
        let known_attributes = ct::str::format!
          "Known attributes are: {}, {}.",
          "Expects an attribute of format '#[ attribute( key1 = val1, key2 = val2 ) ]'\n  {known_attributes}\n  But got: '{}'",
          qt! { #attr }

      for attr in attrs
        let key_ident = attr.path().get_ident().ok_or_else( || error( attr ) )?;
        let key_str = format!( "{}", key_ident );
        match key_str.as_ref()
          AttributeMutator::KEYWORD => result.assign( AttributeMutator::from_meta( attr )? ),
          "debug" => {},
          _ => {},

      Ok( result )

  /// Represents attributes for customizing the mutation process in a forming operation.
  /// ## Example of code
  /// ```ignore
  /// #[ mutator( custom = true, debug = true ) ]
  /// ```
  #[ derive( Debug, Default ) ]
  pub struct AttributeMutator
    /// Indicates whether a custom mutator should be generated.
    /// Defaults to `false`, meaning no custom mutator is generated unless explicitly requested.
    pub custom : AttributePropertyCustom,
    /// Specifies whether to print code generated for the field.
    /// Defaults to `false`, which means no hint is provided unless explicitly requested.
    pub debug : AttributePropertyDebug,

  impl AttributeComponent for AttributeMutator
    const KEYWORD : & 'static str = "mutator";

    /// Parses a `syn::Attribute` into an `AttributeMutator`.
    fn from_meta( attr : & syn::Attribute ) -> Result< Self >
      match attr.meta
        syn::Meta::List( ref meta_list ) =>
          return syn::parse2::< AttributeMutator >( meta_list.tokens.clone() );
        syn::Meta::Path( ref _path ) =>
          return Ok( Default::default() )
        _ => return_syn_err!
          "Expects an attribute of format `#[ mutator( custom = true ) ]`. \nGot: {}",
          qt! { #attr }

  // Implement `Assign` trait to allow assigning `AttributeMutator` to `ItemAttributes`.
  impl< IntoT > Assign< AttributeMutator, IntoT > for ItemAttributes
    IntoT : Into< AttributeMutator >,
    #[ inline( always ) ]
    fn assign( & mut self, component : IntoT )
      self.mutator = component.into();

  // Implement `Assign` trait to allow assigning `AttributePropertyDebug` to `AttributeMutator`.
  impl< IntoT > Assign< AttributePropertyDebug, IntoT > for AttributeMutator
    IntoT : Into< AttributePropertyDebug >,
    #[ inline( always ) ]
    fn assign( & mut self, component : IntoT )
      self.debug = component.into();

  // Implement `Assign` trait to allow assigning `AttributePropertyCustom` to `AttributeMutator`.
  impl< IntoT > Assign< AttributePropertyCustom, IntoT > for AttributeMutator
    IntoT : Into< AttributePropertyCustom >,
    #[ inline( always ) ]
    fn assign( & mut self, component : IntoT )
      self.custom = component.into();

  impl syn::parse::Parse for AttributeMutator
    fn parse( input : syn::parse::ParseStream< '_ > ) -> syn::Result< Self >
      let mut result = Self::default();

      let error = | ident : & syn::Ident | -> syn::Error
        let known = ct::str::format!
          "Known entries of attribute {} are: {}, {}.",
          r#"Expects an attribute of format '#[ mutator( custom = false ) ]'
    But got: '{}'
          qt! { #ident }

      while !input.is_empty()
        let lookahead = input.lookahead1();
        if lookahead.peek( syn::Ident )
          let ident : syn::Ident = input.parse()?;

          match ident.to_string().as_str()
            AttributePropertyCustom::KEYWORD => result.assign( AttributePropertyCustom::parse( input )? ),
            AttributePropertyDebug::KEYWORD => result.assign( AttributePropertyDebug::from( true ) ),
            _ => return Err( error( & ident ) ),
          return Err( lookahead.error() );

        // Optional comma handling
        if input.peek( syn::Token![,] )
          input.parse::< syn::Token![,] >()?;

      Ok( result )

  // == Attribute properties

  /// Marker type for attribute property to specify whether to provide a sketch as a hint.
  /// Defaults to `false`, which means no hint is provided unless explicitly requested.
  #[ derive( Debug, Default, Clone, Copy ) ]
  pub struct AttributePropertyDebugMarker;

  impl AttributePropertyComponent for AttributePropertyDebugMarker
    const KEYWORD : & 'static str = "debug";

  /// Specifies whether to provide a sketch as a hint.
  /// Defaults to `false`, which means no hint is provided unless explicitly requested.
  pub type AttributePropertyDebug = AttributePropertySingletone< AttributePropertyDebugMarker >;

  // ==

  /// Marker type for attribute property to indicate whether a custom code should be generated.
  /// Defaults to `false`, meaning no custom code is generated unless explicitly requested.
  #[ derive( Debug, Default, Clone, Copy ) ]
  pub struct AttributePropertyCustomMarker;

  impl AttributePropertyComponent for AttributePropertyCustomMarker
    const KEYWORD : & 'static str = "custom";

  /// Indicates whether a custom code should be generated.
  /// Defaults to `false`, meaning no custom code is generated unless explicitly requested.
  pub type AttributePropertyCustom = AttributePropertyBoolean< AttributePropertyCustomMarker >;

  // == test code

  // Parse an attribute and construct a `ItemAttributes` instance.
  let input : syn::Attribute = syn::parse_quote!( #[ mutator( custom = true ) ] );
  let attrs : ItemAttributes = ItemAttributes::from_attrs( std::iter::once( & input ) ).unwrap();
  println!( "{:?}", attrs );

  // Test `AttributePropertyBoolean` functionality.
  let attr : AttributePropertyBoolean< AttributePropertyDebugMarker > = AttributePropertyBoolean::default();
  assert_eq!( attr.internal(), false );
  let attr : AttributePropertyBoolean< AttributePropertyDebugMarker > = true.into();
  assert_eq!( attr.internal(), true );
  let attr : AttributePropertyBoolean< AttributePropertyDebugMarker > = false.into();
  assert_eq!( attr.internal(), false );


Try out cargo run --example macro_tools_attr_prop.
See code.

§To add to your project

cargo add proc_macro_tools

§Try out from the repository

git clone
cd wTools
cd examples/macro_tools_trivial
cargo run



  • Attributes analyzys and manipulation.
  • Attribute’s properties. Reuse them to define how to parse properties of an attribute.
  • Type-based assigning.
  • Determine kind of a container.
  • Compile-time tools.
  • Dependencies of the module.
  • Macro helpers around derive macro and structure syn::DeriveInput.
  • Macro helpers.
  • Attributes analyzys and manipulation.
  • Exposed namespace of the module.
  • This module provides utilities to handle and manipulate generic arguments using the syn crate. It includes traits and functions for transforming, merging, and managing generic parameters within procedural macros, enabling seamless syntactic analysis and code generation.
  • Functions and structures to handle and manipulate generic parameters using the syn crate. It’s designed to support macro-driven code generation by simplifying, merging, extracting, and decomposing syn::Generics.
  • This module provides various utilities and namespaces for working with syn::Item, specifically focusing on ensuring syntactical correctness and managing different visibility levels within the code. It includes functions to manipulate the structure of items, handle different kinds of fields, and provide a structured approach to organizing the codebase into different access levels.
  • Parse structures, like struct { a : i32 }.
  • Tailored iterator.
  • Keywords
  • Tait to getn name of an Item.
  • Parented namespace of the module.
  • Own namespace of the module.
  • Responsible for generating marker PhantomData fields to avoid the rule requiring the usage of all generic parameters in a struct. This is often necessary to ensure that Rust’s type system correctly tracks the ownership and lifetimes of these parameters without needing them to be explicitly used in the struct’s fields.
  • Prelude to use essentials: use my_module::prelude::*.
  • Structures and functions for handling syn::punctuated::Punctuated collections.
  • Quantifiers like Pair and Many.
  • Parse structures, like struct { a : i32 }.
  • Attributes analyzys and manipulation.
  • Advanced syntax elements.
  • Typed parsing.


  • Macro for diagnostics purpose to diagnose source code behind it and export it into a string.
  • Macro for diagnostics purpose to print both syntax tree and source code behind it without syntax tree.
  • Macro to export source code behind a syntax tree into a string.
  • Macro to generate syn error either with span of a syntax tree element or with default one proc_macro2::Span::call_site().
  • Macro to generate syn error either with span of a syntax tree element or with default one proc_macro2::Span::call_site().
  • Macro for diagnostics purpose to export both syntax tree and source code behind it into a string.
  • Macro for diagnostics purpose to print both syntax tree and source code behind it with syntax tree.

Type Aliases§