Module luminance::vertex[][src]

Vertex formats, associated types and functions.

A vertex is a type representing a point. It’s common to find vertex positions, normals, colors or even texture coordinates. However, you’re free to use whichever type you want. Nevertheless, you’re limited to a range of types and dimensions. See Type and Dim for further details.



To be able to use a type as a vertex, you have to implement the Vertex trait. That trait represents a mapping between your type and VertexFormat. A VertexFormat gives runtime hints about your type and restricts the supported type. If you cannot map your type to VertexFormat, that means you cannot use it as a Vertex.

The rule is that your type should have a static size greater than 0 and less than or equal to 4. It should also be either integral, unsigned, floating or boolean. If your type is a complex one – for instance a struct – you have to recursively apply that rule to all its fields. For instance, the tuple (i32, bool) implements Vertex by providing an implementation using the ones of i32 and bool.

Components list

As mentionned above, you can use tuples and structs as Vertex. If you look at the definition of VertexFormat, you’ll notice that it’s a Vec<VertexComponentFormat>. That means simple and primary types map to unit vectors – i.e. their size is 1 – but tuples and structs need several VertexComponentFormats to be represented, hence vectors with sizes greater than 1. No check is made on how many vertex components you’re using – there’s a practical limit, set by the GPU, but it’s not checked (yet).

Generic implementation

You have Vertex implementations for all the primary types that can be mapped to VertexFormat. However, as it’s not possible to automatically implement Vertex for your structure (yet?), a type is provided to help you design your vertex type so that you’re automatically provided with a Vertex implementation if you use GTup.

GTup is a special type used to represent static heterogeneous list of types. With that in hand, you can easily create Vertex types and start using them without even implementing Vertex, as long as you use Vertex types. Feel free to dig in the GTup documentation for further details.

If you absolutely want to use your own types – which is legit, you can implement Vertex by mapping your inner fields to a tuple or GTup, and call the right Vertex method on that tuple.



Vertex component format. It gives information on how vertices should be passed to the GPU and optimized in buffers.



Possible dimension of vertex components.


Possible type of vertex components.



A hint trait to implement to state whether a vertex type is compatible with another.


A type that can be used as a Vertex has to implement that trait – it must provide a mapping to VertexFormat.



Retrieve the number of components in a VertexFormat.

Type Definitions


A VertexFormat is a list of VertexComponentFormats.