Module luminance::texture[][src]

This module provides texture features.

Introduction to textures

Textures are used intensively in graphics programs as they tend to be the de facto memory area to store data. You use them typically when you want to customize a render, hold a render’s texels or even store arbritrary data.

Currently, the following textures are supported:

  • 1D, 2D and 3D textures
  • cubemaps
  • array of textures (any of the types above)

Those combinations are encoded by several types. First of all, Texture<L, D, P> is the polymorphic type used to represent textures. The L type variable is the layering type of the texture. It can either be Flat or Layered. The D type variable is the dimension of the texture. It can either be Dim1, Dim2, Dim3 or Cubemap. Finally, the P type variable is the pixel format the texture follows. See the pixel module for further details about pixel formats.

Additionally, all textures have between 0 or several mipmaps. Mipmaps are additional layers of texels used to perform trilinear filtering in most applications. Those are low-definition images of the the base image used to smoothly interpolate texels when a projection kicks in. See this for more insight.

Creating textures

Textures are created by providing a size, the number of mipmaps that should be used and a reference to a Sampler object. Up to now, textures and samplers form the same object – but that might change in the future. Samplers are just a way to describe how texels will be fetched from a shader.

Associated types

Because textures might have different shapes, the types of their sizes and offsets vary. You have to look at the implementation of Dimensionable::Size and Dimensionable::Offset to know which type you have to pass. For instance, for a 2D texture – e.g. Texture<Flat, Dim2, _>, you have to pass a pair (width, height).


Samplers gather filters – i.e. how a shader should interpolate texels while fetching them, wrap rules – i.e. how a shader should behave when leaving the normalized UV coordinates? and a depth comparison, for depth textures only. See the documentation Sampler for further explanations.

Uploading data to textures

One of the primary use of textures is to store images so that they can be used in your application mapped on objects in your scene, for instance. In order to do so, you have to load the image from the disk – see the awesome image – and then upload the data to the texture. You have several functions to do so:

  • Texture::upload: this function takes a slice of texels and upload them to the whole texture memory
  • Texture::upload_part: this function does the same thing as Texture::upload, but gives you the extra control on where in the texture you want to upload and with which size
  • Texture::upload_raw: this function takes a slice of raw encoding data and upload them to the whole texture memory. This is especially handy when your texture has several channels but the data you have don’t take channels into account and are just raw data.
  • Texture::upload_part_raw: same thing as above, but with offset and size control.

Alternatively, you can clear the texture with Texture::clear and Texture::clear_part.

Retrieving texels

The function Texel::get_raw_texels must be used to retreive texels out of a texture. This function allocates memory, so be careful when using it.



Cubemap dimension.


1D dimension.


2D dimension.


3D dimension.


Flat texture hint.


Layered texture hint.


Raw buffer. Any buffer can be converted to that type. However, keep in mind that even though type erasure is safe, creating a buffer from a raw buffer is not.


A Sampler object gives hint on how a Texture should be sampled.





Faces of a cubemap.


Depth comparison to perform while depth test. a is the incoming fragment’s depth and b is the fragment’s depth that is already stored.


Dimension of a texture.


Texture layering. If a texture is layered, it has an extra coordinate to access the layer.


Magnification filter.


Minification filter.


How to wrap texture coordinates while sampling textures?



Reify a type into a Dim.


Trait used to reify a type into a Layering.



Capacity of the dimension, which is the product of the width, height and depth.

Type Definitions
