lumina-cli 0.2.0

Celestia data availability node implementation in Rust failed to build lumina-cli-0.2.0
Please check the build logs for more information.
See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure builds.
If you believe this is' fault, open an issue.


Command line interface for running Lumina node for the Celestia network either locally or in a browser.

When built with default features, lumina-cli compiles only natively running code. If you want to serve lumina-wasm-node and run it in browser, you need to compile the code manually and use browser-node feature flag. As a shorthand, lumina executable can be renamed to lumina-node, which will cause it to act as local node only, same as if invoked with lumina node.


cargo install lumina-cli --locked

Running the node

lumina node --network mocha

For all configuration options see lumina node -h. By default node will run on mainnet, connecting to official bootstrap nodes, with persistent header store in user's home directory.

WebTransport and Secure Contexts

For security reasons, browsers only allow WebTransport to be used in Secure Context. When running Lumina in a browser make sure to access it either locally or over HTTPS.