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The underlying API of lucky_commit is also exposed as a Rust library, in case anyone wants to use it programmatically. However, note that the library API is considered unstable, and might have backwards-incompatible changes even in minor or patch releases of the crate. If you use the library interface, pinning to an exact version is recommended.


A git commit

A worker that, when invoked, will look in a predetermined search space to find a modification to a specific commit that matches a specific hash spec.

Defines a spec for a desired commit hash.


An error that results from parsing an invalid HashSpec

The hash type used for Sha1 git repositories (the default at the time of writing) This type is uninhabited, and is only intended to be used as a type parameter.

The hash type used for Sha256 git repositories. This type is uninhabited, and is only intended to be used as a type parameter.


A hash function used by git. This is a sealed trait implemented by Sha1 and Sha256. The fields and methods on this trait are subject to change. Consumers should pretend that the types implementing the trait are opaque.