Crate ltrs

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ltrs is a Learning to Rank library. Think RankLib, but in Rust.

use ltrs::{
loader::{LtrFormat, svmlight::SVMLight},

fn main() {
     // Let's load a dataset from the ohsumed corpus
     let corpus = std::path::Path::new("benchmarks/OHSUMED").join("Data/All/OHSUMED.txt");

     // Load a SVMLight dataset.
     let ohsumed_dataset = SVMLight::load(corpus.to_str().unwrap()).unwrap();  
     // Clone a `RankList` to test later...
     let test_sample = ohsumed_dataset[0].clone();
     // Create an AdaRank learner with MAP as the evaluation metric, 50 iterations,
     // 3 max consecutive selections, and 0.003 tolerance.
     let mut adarank = AdaRank::new(ohsumed_dataset, Box::new(MAP), 50, 3, 0.003, None, None);

     // Fit the learner to the dataset.;
     // Get the test `DataPoint` from the `RankList`.
     let dp = test_sample.get(0).unwrap();

     // Predict the score for the test `DataPoint`.
     let doc_label = adarank.predict(&test_sample.get(0).unwrap());
     println!("Document {} has the score {:.2} for query {}",

A good place for you to get started is to check out the example code ( source code)


Define a core primitive for the library: DataPoint.
A DataPoint is a element of a RankList in a DataSet.

Define a class of Rankers based on ensemble methods.

Define the error type for the library.

Define evaluators for the library. Evaluators are used to evaluate the performance of a Learner.

Define the Learner primitive. A Learner is define operationss required to train a Ranker.

Define the loader for the library. A Loader is used to load a DataSet from a IO stream.

Define the Ranker primitive. All AI algorithms in the library are Rankers, which means they can be used to predict the score of DataPoints in RankLists .

Define a core primitive for the library: RankList. A RankList is a list of DataPoints and provides methods for ranking them.

Utility functions for the library.
These functions are not part of the core API, but are useful inside the library.


A macro to create a new DataPoint. This macro is useful when creating a new DataPoint with a given label, the query_id, the features and the description. The features are given as a vector of Features. The description is optional.

A macro to create a RankList from a vector of DataPoints represented by a tuple of label, query_id, features and the optional description.

Type Definitions

For simplicity, we will use a DataSet as a vector of RankLists.