Module ltc681x::monitor

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Generic client for LTX681X device family

This module contains a generic client which supports communication with any LTC681X device.


The client is based on a SPI bus, which implements the embedded-hal SPI Transfer trait and contains the following two generic parameters:

use ltc681x::example::{ExampleCSPin, ExampleSPIBus};
use ltc681x::ltc6812::LTC6812;
use ltc681x::ltc6813::LTC6813;
use ltc681x::monitor::LTC681X;

// Single LTC6813 device
let spi_bus = ExampleSPIBus::default();
let cs_pin = ExampleCSPin{};
let client: LTC681X<_, _, _, LTC6813, 1> = LTC681X::ltc6813(spi_bus, cs_pin);

// Three LTC6812 devices in daisy chain
let spi_bus = ExampleSPIBus::default();
let cs_pin = ExampleCSPin{};
let client: LTC681X<_, _, _, LTC6812, 3> = LTC681X::ltc6812(spi_bus, cs_pin);


The following section describes starting conversion and polling mechanisms.

§Cell conversion

A cell conversion is started using the LTC681XClient::start_conv_cells method. The method takes three arguments:

  • mode: ADC frequency and filter settings, s. ADCMode
  • cells: Group of cells to be converted, e.g. LTC6813::CellSelection
  • dcp: Allow discharging during conversion?
// Converting first cell group using normal ADC mode
client.start_conv_cells(ADCMode::Normal, CellSelection::Group1, true);

// Converting all cells using fast ADC mode
client.start_conv_cells(ADCMode::Fast, CellSelection::All, true);

§Conversion time

Execution time of cell conversions is deterministic. The expected timing is returned as CommandTime.

// Converting first cell group using normal ADC mode
let timing = client.start_conv_cells(ADCMode::Normal, CellSelection::Group1, true).unwrap();

// 407 us in 7kHz mode (CFGAR0=0)
assert_eq!(407, timing.regular);

// 523 us in 3kHz mode (CFGAR0=1)
assert_eq!(523, timing.alternative);

§GPIO conversion

A GPIO conversion is started using the LTC681XClient::start_conv_gpio method. The method takes three arguments:

// Converting second GPIO group using normal ADC mode
client.start_conv_gpio(ADCMode::Normal, GPIOSelection::Group2);

// Converting all GPIOs using fast ADC mode
client.start_conv_gpio(ADCMode::Fast, GPIOSelection::All);

§Conversion time

Execution time of GPIO conversions is deterministic. The expected timing is returned as CommandTime.

// Converting second GPIO group using normal ADC mode
let timing = client.start_conv_gpio(ADCMode::Normal, GPIOSelection::Group2).unwrap();

// 788 us in 7kHz mode (CFGAR0=0)
assert_eq!(788, timing.regular);

// 1000 us in 3kHz mode (CFGAR0=1)
assert_eq!(1000, timing.alternative);


ADC status may be be polled using the PollClient::adc_ready method. The following poll methods are currently supported:

§SDO line polling

After entering a conversion command, the SDO line is driven low when the device is busy performing conversions. SDO is pulled high when the device completes conversions.

let mut  client: LTC681X<_, _, _, LTC6813, 1> = LTC681X::ltc6813(spi_bus, cs_pin)

while !client.adc_ready().unwrap() {
    // ADC conversion is not finished yet

§Reading registers

The content of registers may be directly read. The client returns an array containing three u16, one value for each register slot.

// Single LTC613 device
let mut client: LTC681X<_, _, _, LTC6813, 1> = LTC681X::ltc6813(spi_bus, cs_pin);

// Reading cell voltage register B (CVBR)
let cell_voltages = client.read_register(Register::CellVoltageB).unwrap();
// Voltage of cell 5 (CVBR2/CVBR3)
assert_eq!(7538, cell_voltages[0][1]);

// Reading auxiliary voltage register A (AVAR)
let aux_voltages = client.read_register(Register::AuxiliaryA).unwrap();
// Voltage of GPIO1 (AVAR0/AVAR1)
assert_eq!(24979, aux_voltages[0][0]);

§Multiple devices in daisy chain

The read_register() method returns one array for each device in daisy chain. So the first array index addresses the device index. The second index addresses the slot within the register (0, 1, 2).

// Three LTC613 devices in daisy chain
let mut client: LTC681X<_, _, _, LTC6813, 3> = LTC681X::ltc6813(spi_bus, cs_pin);

// Reading cell voltage register A (CVAR)
let cell_voltages = client.read_register(Register::CellVoltageA).unwrap();
// Voltage of cell 1 of third device
assert_eq!(24979, cell_voltages[2][0]);

// Voltage of cell 3 of second device
assert_eq!(8878, cell_voltages[1][2]);

§Mapping voltages

Instead of manually reading voltage registers, the client offers a convenient method for mapping voltages to cell or GPIO groups.

// LTC6813 device
let mut client: LTC681X<_, _, _, LTC6813, 1> = LTC681X::ltc6813(spi_bus, cs_pin);

// Returns the value of cell group A. In case of LTC613: cell 1, 7 and 13
let voltages = client.read_voltages(CellSelection::Group1).unwrap();

assert_eq!(Channel::Cell1, voltages[0][0].channel);
assert_eq!(24979, voltages[0][0].voltage);

assert_eq!(Channel::Cell7, voltages[0][1].channel);
assert_eq!(25441, voltages[0][1].voltage);

assert_eq!(Channel::Cell13, voltages[0][2].channel);
assert_eq!(25822, voltages[0][2].voltage);

// Returns the value of GPIO group 2. In case of LTC613: GPIO2 and GPIO7
let voltages = client.read_voltages(GPIOSelection::Group2).unwrap();

assert_eq!(Channel::GPIO2, voltages[0][0].channel);
assert_eq!(7867, voltages[0][0].voltage);

assert_eq!(Channel::GPIO7, voltages[0][1].channel);
assert_eq!(7869, voltages[0][1].voltage);


The LTC681X family supports a number of verification and fault-tests.

§Overlap measurement (ADOL command)

Starting the ADC overlapping measurement and reading the results:

client.start_overlap_measurement(ADCMode::Normal, true);
// [...] waiting until conversion finished
let data = client.read_overlap_result().unwrap();

// Voltage of cell 7 measured by ADC2
assert_eq!(25441, data[0][0]);
// Voltage of cell 7 measured by ADC1
assert_eq!(7869, data[0][1]);
// Voltage of cell 13 measured by ADC3
assert_eq!(25822, data[0][2]);
// Voltage of cell 13 measured by ADC2
assert_eq!(8591, data[0][3]);

§Internal device parameters (ADSTAT command)

Measuring internal device parameters and reading the results.

The expected execution time is returned as CommandTime, see command timing of cell conversion as example.

client.measure_internal_parameters(ADCMode::Normal, StatusGroup::All);
// [...] waiting until conversion finished
let data = client.read_internal_device_parameters().unwrap();

// Sum of all voltages in uV => 75.318 V
assert_eq!(75_318_000, data[0].total_voltage);
// Die temperature in °C
assert_eq!("56.31578", data[0].temperature.to_string());
// Analog power supply voltage in uV => 3.2 V
assert_eq!(3_200_000, data[0].analog_power);
// Digital power supply voltage in uV => 5.12 V
assert_eq!(5_120_000, data[0].digital_power);


