Type Definition lpc81x_pac::lpc810::i2c0::clkdiv::DIVVAL_W

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pub type DIVVAL_W<'a, const O: u8> = FieldWriter<'a, u32, CLKDIV_SPEC, u16, u16, 16, O>;
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Field DIVVAL writer - This field controls how the Flexcomm clock (FCLK) is used by the I2C functions that need an internal clock in order to operate. 0x0000 = FCLK is used directly by the I2C. 0x0001 = FCLK is divided by 2 before use. 0x0002 = FCLK is divided by 3 before use. 0xFFFF = FCLK is divided by 65,536 before use.