[][src]Type Definition lpc55s6x_pac::mrt0::MODCFG

type MODCFG = Reg<u32, _MODCFG>;

Module Configuration register. This register provides information about this particular MRT instance, and allows choosing an overall mode for the idle channel feature.

This register you can read, reset, write, write_with_zero, modify. See API.

For information about avaliable fields see modcfg module

Trait Implementations

impl Readable for MODCFG[src]

read() method returns modcfg::R reader structure

impl Writable for MODCFG[src]

write(|w| ..) method takes modcfg::W writer structure

impl ResetValue for MODCFG[src]

Register MODCFG reset()'s with value 0x0173

type Type = u32

Register size