Crate log_loki

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LogfmtAutoFields is used to determine what fields of a log::Record should be rendered into the final logfmt string by the LogfmtFormatter. The default set is LEVEL | MESSAGE | MODULE_PATH | EXTRA
LogfmtFormatter provides a LokiFormatter that marshals logs using the logfmt format, which is a plain text log format that is easy for both humans and machines to read and write. Loki provides support for logfmt out of the box. This is used as the default formatter for the Loki logger if the logfmt feature is enabled. To learn more about logfmt, see:
Logger implementation that writes its logs to Loki. Create one using the LokiBuilder.
LokiBuilder is used to construct the Loki object.


FailurePolicy specifies how failures should be handled.


LokiFormatter implementations marshals a log record to a string. This trait can be implemented to customize the format of the strings that get sent to Loki. By default, this crate provides a logfmt LokiFormatter implementation, which is used by default.