Expand description

A Minecraft Chat Component and Adventure MiniMessage implementation in Rust.


Without minimessage

use lobsterchat::component::*;

let text_component: Component = Component::text("Hello, World! ")
                        .hover_event(HoverEvent::ShowText(Component::text("Click for surprise!")))
                        .insert_text("I love lobsterchat!")

println!("{}", text_component.to_string());

With minimessage

use lobsterchat::message::*;
use lobsterchat::component::{Component, Colored, NamedColor};

let component: Component = lobster("<gold><bold>This is some message!</bold> <blue>Some blue text <#AAFFAA>Some hex text!");
let placeholdered: Component = placeholder_lobster(
    "Some normal text. <first> And then <gold><second>.",
            Component::text("Some replacement.").color(NamedColor::Gold)

Enable minimessage with the minimessage crate feature


running 1 test
test tests::benchmark_lobster ... bench:       6,335 ns/iter (+/- 147)

So around 6mcs to convert message into a component.

  • Components:
  • Component types (literal, translatable, etc.)

  • Formatting and colors

  • Click / Hover events in components

  • MiniMessage
  • Named color tags (e.g. <red>, <blue>)

  • Hex color tags (e.g. <#AAFFAA>)

  • Formatting tags (e.g. <bold>, <reset>)

  • Placeholder tags

  • Hover / Click Events

  • Advanced formatting tags (e.g. <rainbow>, <gradient>)


pub use message::lobster;
pub use message::placeholder_lobster;


Main module containing all the component related things
This module contains minimessage implementation and related function