failed to build lobby-0.0.1
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TCP server implementation suitable for chat rooms and games.

The lobby crate is designed to provide a convenient way to spin up a server which automatically keeps track of connected clients and provides facilities for messaging them and polling them for data.

Each client is represented using a unique integer id, and id's are recycled as clients disconnect from the server.

Here's how you spin up a lobby server and poll the clients for data:

extern crate lobby;
use lobby::{Lobby, ScanResult};

let server = Lobby::new("").unwrap();

loop {
    server.scan(|id, result| {
        let name =;
        match result {
            ScanResult::Connected => println!("{} has connected.", name),
            ScanResult::Data(data) => println!("{} sent {} bytes of data.", name, data.len()),
            ScanResult::IoError(err) => println!("{} ran into an IO error: {}", name, err),
            ScanResult::Disconnected => println!("{} has disconnected.", name),

Clients can then connect to the server using TcpStream::connect(). The first thing a client should do after establishing the connection is send a UTF-8 encoded name followed by a 0 byte to indicate its termination. After that, all further data sent will be queued up to be scanned by the server.